Controversial shooter Six Days In Fallujah will introduce a new procedural architecture technique to ensure no two matches play exactly the same.
The title, which centres on the Second Battle For Fallujah during the second Gulf War, will offer endlessly replayable maps.
Six Days In Fallujah Will Use Procedurally Generated Maps
Check out the feature in action below:
“Marines told us they never knew what was waiting behind the next door,” says Six Days in Fallujah’s creative director, Jaime Griesemer.
“But, in video games, we play the same maps over and over again. Just knowing the layout of a building in advance makes playing a combat encounter in a video game very different than actual combat.”
“Memorizing maps is fake. It’s that simple,” says Sgt. Adam Banotai, who led a squad of Marines block-by-block through Fallujah. “Clearing an unfamiliar building or neighborhood is terrifying. You have no idea what’s about to happen, and this is one of the reasons we experienced such high casualties.”
According to developers Highwire Games and Victura, the team will essentially build its maps from procedural pieces to ensure the need to move tactically throughout.
“With Procedural Architecture, even the game designer doesn’t know what’s about to happen in Six Days in Fallujah,” according to Victura CEO Peter Tamte. “And the best way to overcome this uncertainty is by deploying real military tactics, just like you would if you were really there.”
The game recently came under fire after Victura boss Peter Tamte claimed it would be apolitical. The studio has since backtracked on this stance.
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