Sony Has Shut Down Killzone's Website

The Killzone series might not be the highest-profile Sony PlayStation exclusive going, but it's hard to deny the games long rich history.

Put simply, you don't release 4 games in the series and two spin-off titles without having faith in the franchise.

It has been quite some time since Killzone has released a new game, and with the release of the PS5 many fans of the series were hoping for a new title within 2021.

However, Sony has quietly shut down the Killzone website, casting doubt into the future of the franchise.

Here's what we know! 



Sony has 'retired' over the weekend in a rather shocking move.

If you try and navigate to the site you will be prompted with the following text blurb: 

Dear visitor,

The official website for the KILLZONE franchise has retired. Going forward, visitors to will be directed to

While this change doesn’t affect the online multiplayer modes, player statistics or ranking data for KILLZONE MERCENARY and KILLZONE SHADOW FALL, it is now no longer possible to create or manage clans in KILLZONE SHADOW FALL. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Thank you to’s many fans and visitors throughout the years for their enthusiasm and support.



What this means for the future of the franchise is unknown as of now.

It does signal that no new Killzone titles will be coming, as Sony appears to be shutting down all operations in regards to the series.

If you are a fan of the Killzone series, be sure to let us know how you feel about this sudden change. 


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