Sony Responds to Microsoft’s Cross-Network Play Invitation

One step closer, or two steps back?

Since Monday, the gaming community has been buzzing as Microsoft announced a public invitation for cross-platform play.

The idea of friends playing the same game together while on different consoles has been one of dreams - often believed to be too farfetched. Now, however, Microsoft has taken the first step to making this dream a reality, as they extended their hand in hopes of uniting Xbox One, Windows 10 and ‘other consoles’.

Following the announcement, Gamespot cites Sony has since responded to them in regards to Microsoft’s invitation. While Sony’s response is indecisive, there is hope for the future as the second console juggernaut seems to have an open mind on the subject.

Here’s Sony’s response to potentially ending the divide between PSN and Xbox Live:

"PlayStation has been supporting cross-platform play between PC on several software titles starting with Final Fantasy 11 on PS2 and PC back in 2002,”

“We would be happy to have the conversation with any publishers or developers who are interested in cross platform play."

Who knows if an agreement can be made, but the statement pulls the dream a little closer to reality. Cross-platform could be our future.

It seems ludicrous to think any gamer wouldn’t want cross-platform to come into play, but what are your thoughts? Are you excited or prefer not to get hopeful?

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