Steam Inventory Beta Now Available to All Developers

The latest Steamworks SDK update saw the release of the Steam Inventory Beta. All developers of games or software on Steam can now enable persistent items that are unlocked or purchased in-game to be traded through Steam or sold on the Steam Marketplace by players.

“The Steam Inventory Service is a set of new Steamworks APIs and tools that allow a game to enable persistent items that have been purchased or unlocked by individual users without having to run special servers to keep track of these user's inventory.” said Valve on its official news section.

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The Inventory Service was available before now but developers had to be manually approved  by Valve. The new update automatically adds any registered Steamworks users so they can now easily create tradable item drops at any point in the game.

It’s also possible for the developers to create crafting recipes which, when combining certain items, will produce rarer, more valuable items, and even unique ones. Basically, we’ll all be getting many more fabulous hats, and who doesn’t want that?!

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