This Free Starfield X Doom Crossover Is Something You’d Never Expect in 2024

image of doom creations mod
Credit: Bethesda Games Studios

image of doom creations mod
Credit: Bethesda Games Studios

While Starfield had several controversies this year such as paid quests and weapon skins along with the lackluster Shattered Space DLC, which currently has a 62 Metascore on Metacritic, Bethesda is still pouring some love into the space exploration RPG.

A free Creations mod from Bethesda Studios is up for grabs for Starfield fans, and this official mod isn't just for those who love shooting space bandits but for those who also love exterminating aliens and demons in the Doom franchise.

image of doom gun in starfield
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Credit: Bethesda Games Studios

Titled At Hell's Gate, this Doom Creations mod will let Starfield players don the classic Praetor Suit as a quest reward. Doom's Super Shotgun and Crucible Blade will also be available for players.

At Hell's Gate is a quest mod that lets you investigate a strange phenomenon after several mercenaries escape an encounter with a vile creature commonly seen in Doom games. Of course, you as the Starborn are more than qualified to investigate this anomaly and the quest will surely test your skills, adding more excitement to your Starfield playthroughs.

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Considering how the story of Shattered Space added more lore to Starfield, it is just fitting to annihilate space demons while wearing the Praetor Suit.

This Creations mod is available for both PC and Xbox players, with installation sizes of 212.73 MB and 154.76 MB, respectively.

The mod does not need any prerequisites and is load-order neutral, meaning you can just pop it in anywhere in your load order.

image of doom enemy in Starfield
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Credit: Bethesda Games Studios

Six adorable plushies are also included in the mod, and you can craft these stuffy toys using the Industrial Workbench. After all, space is an empty void and anyone could use a plushie hug in the middle of Starfield's vast galaxy.

Exploring the galaxy can be exhausting, and saving the Va'ruun takes a toll on any Starborn. The best way to unwind? Shoot more space demons! Grab this free mod via Creations now and don’t forget to follow Gfinity Esports for the latest gaming news and stories.

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