Which Legacy Franchises is Capcom Thinking of Bringing Back?

Box art for Capcom's Okami
Credit: Capcom | fair use for promotional purposes

Box art for Capcom's Okami
Credit: Capcom | fair use for promotional purposes

Capcom is one of the oldest gaming studios, so it makes sense that it has several big franchises, such as Street FighterMega Man, and Resident Evil.

With Onimusha Way of the Sword getting announced back at The Game Awards this year, it’s been revealed that Capcom is looking to bring back several of their older IPs. But the question is, which ones are they planning to revive?

Capcom Reviving Their Older IP

While franchises like Resident Evil get mainline entries every few years, some long-dormant titles were once massive hits for Capcom but have since been left behind by modern gaming.

According to Video Games Chronicle, Capcom has confirmed that it wants to bring back many of its older titles. A statement on the company’s investor relations site reads:

“In addition to regularly releasing major new titles each year, Capcom is focusing on re-activating dormant IPs that haven’t launched a new title recently…

“The company is working to further enhance corporate value by leveraging its rich library of content, which includes reviving past IPs like the two titles announced above, in order to continuously produce highly efficient, high-quality titles.”

No specific franchises have been named, but an official poll on the Capcom website has confirmed that several fans have said that their favorite Capcom franchises, which have yet to receive an update for the 2020s, include titles like Dino Crisis, Okami, and Mega Man X.

Capcom Presents

Still from Onimusha Way of the Sword reveal
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Credit: Capcom | fair use for promotional purposes

Only a handful of franchises have been sure hits for Capcom over recent years. The Resident Evil series is pretty much caught up with the new generation with the release of the RE4 remake, and fans still get new entries for Monster Hunter and Street Fighter every few years.

Mega Man 11 came out in 2018, but it’s been a while since there’s been an update on the Mega Man X series. The last entry was Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, which came out for the PSP in 2006.

Besides the most popular titles that made it to the top of the poll, there are still some Capcom IPs that many fans think need an update for modern times. Darkstalkers was Capcom’s lesser-known goth cousin of Street Fighter, and there hasn’t been an Ace Attorney entry since 2017.

Some fans also think the recent release of the Marvel vs. Capcom collection could be a teaser for a new entry in the Marvel vs. Capcom series. The last entry in the franchise, Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, wasn’t that well-received by critics, and with Marvel Rivals gaining buzz, maybe now is the perfect time for Capcom to come up with their own Marvel title.

Capcom’s next big title, Onimusha Way of the Sword, is expected to be released for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5 in 2026.

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