World of Warcraft Could Be Coming to Xbox Series Systems After All

An imposing figure holds the Xbox logo
Credit: Activision Blizzard/Xbox

An imposing figure holds the Xbox logo
Credit: Activision Blizzard/Xbox

World of Warcraft is still one of the biggest MMORPGs available and it might be expanding to other systems soon. Primarily known as a PC game, WoW could head to consoles soon, particularly Xbox Series systems. It might not be the seismic shift Xbox needs, but this would be a huge moment for gaming.

A report from Xbox Era claims a promotional email from Xbox has appeared, promoting WoW for Game Pass with the system’s logo in there. Even though an announcement from the team at Activision Blizzard hasn’t been made, this could have been sent early and fans now know this could be happening. Some salt should be taken with this announcement, but it wouldn’t be too surprising.

There had been plenty of rumors about World of Warcraft coming to Xbox before, most notably when Microsoft purchased Activision Blizzard. Nothing came from that for a while, with many fans figuring that it would remain a PC game for the rest of its existence. Xbox got what they wanted and we could finally see WoW on console.

Recent years have been pretty normal for WoW, though some have argued that Final Fantasy XIV has toppled it as the MMORPG to get. Square Enix even released it on Xbox Series systems in recent years, making it more accessible to other gamers. If Microsoft was able to convince Activision Blizzard to release the MMO on their consoles, that would be huge.

Only time will tell if we’ll actually see World of Warcraft on Xbox Series systems, considering how it’s been on PC for so long. If it does, players will have plenty of expansions to go through and numerous bosses to fight. We imagine that PC gamers will also want to transfer their save so they don’t start from scratch, though some might want that fresh start.

For more Xbox news, check out how Gears of War: E-Day brought back People Can Fly to co-developer the shooter. You can also read about Xbox’s current identity crisis in 2025.

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