Xbox Remote Play is now actually usable

xbox remote play is finally in a usable state
Credit: Xbox

xbox remote play is finally in a usable state
Credit: Xbox

It took a while but Xbox Remote Play might finally be a worthwhile feature, as a new update has added proper touchscreen controls. For a while, Xbox users were complaining about this feature but Remote Play should now be a valid way to play games away from the console.

On the official Xbox website, Microsoft detailed the new touchscreen controls coming to Remote Play. Essentially, the company will be exporting the touchscreen controls from Xbox Cloud to the Remote Play feature, which is a huge improvement.

Xbox Remote Play users will have the same custom touch layouts as Cloud gamers, which means more options for them to choose from. The fact that there’s even a basic controller layout now for Remote Play is a huge improvement over what came before. While playing with an Xbox controller is still the way to go, having more options like this is just a net positive.

Having a proper layout like this means playing most Xbox games should be much easier now, especially if they require precise timing. Psychonauts 2, Hades, Minecraft Dungeons, and more should be a lot more fun on phones should anyone decide to use Remote Play. This is a far cry from simply pressing the screen and hoping for the best.

With these Xbox Remote Play improvements coming before the company’s big Business Update, it will be interesting to see what the company’s future holds. Rumours claim that the company is going to start releasing some of its exclusives on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. There are even leaks suggesting that Hi-Fi Rush will be one of the major games coming to both systems.

Regardless of what the future holds, it seems that the Xbox Series consoles are still pretty great, especially for those that don’t care for exclusives. Considering how handy Game Pass is these days, we don’t think Xbox consoles will be dying anytime soon.

Read More: The PS5/Xbox Series generation may be short, but it isn’t awful

Most Xbox Series owners can activate Xbox Remote Play on their phones, so curious gamers can check it out whenever they can.

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