How to play as Horizon in Apex Legends

Apex Legends Horizon
Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends Horizon
Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Are you planning to buy a new legend in Apex Legends but not sure whom to pick? If so, Horizon is a great option. Here are some tips for Apex Legends’ Horizon, her abilities, and all you need to know about her.

Now, Horizon is one of the most picked and effective Legends for a few reasons, which include amazing mobility and the ability to wipe out an opposing Apex Legends team with ease. We’ll cover the basics of Horizon and her abilities first, and get into some tips and effective team composition afterwards.

But before we take a closer look at Horizon, you can also take a look at our article on how to play Conduit. On top of that, here's our guide to help you master Mirage.

Apex Legends Horizon abilities

Apex Legends Horizon
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

As said above, Horizon has great mobility and most of her abilities are based on strong movement. Here's a closer look at the passive, tactical, and ultimate abilities:

Gravity Lift

  • Cooldown: 30s; Duration: 10s.

Upon using this ability, Horizon will throw an object that’ll reverse the effect of gravity where it lands. It’ll generate a geyser-like visual effect that glows blue. When entering the tactical ability’s area of effect, you will get lifted 30 meters at a decent speed and then launched a few meters in the direction you’re moving in after reaching the top.

You can strafe, shoot, and use consumables while being lifted by the gravity lift, but your accuracy is greatly reduced.


This is arguably Horizon’s best ability, despite being a passive one. Here’s a list of its effects:

  • Spacewalk completely removes fall shock. This allows for more ability, as every other legend gets staggered when falling from big heights.
  • Spacewalk increases the effects of air strafing. If you move your character and your camera at the right rate in the same direction, you will be able to move in mid-air (airstrafe). This also allows slide hopping. Any legend can use air strafing, but Horizon’s passive improves it considerably.

Black Hole

  • Cooldown: 3.5m; Duration: 12s.

This ability is a throwable machine called N.E.W.T., which will create a black hole and pull enemies towards it in a 10-meter radius.

It won’t deal damage, but the enemies’ reduced mobility will give you a huge advantage. N.E.W.T. has a health pool of 175HP and can be destroyed by both enemies and teammates. It’ll create a lot of obtrusive visual effects, but enemies will be highlighted, letting you see and shoot them.

Apex Legends Horizon legend upgrades

Legend upgrades are special perks that increase a legend’s effectiveness. They’re obtained by levelling up the Evo Shield. Here are the legend upgrades for Horizon:

  • Level 2 (blue Evo Shield):

Big Bang: See ordnance through walls and in deathboxes.


Ammuvision: See ammo in deathboxes.

  • Level 3 (purple Evo Shield):

Tactical Upgrade: -5s Gravity Lift cooldown.


Ultimate Upgrade: -14% Black Hole cooldown.

Class-specific abilities

Horizon is a Skirmisher class, which means she can see the contents of a care package without opening it, through walls, and from long ranges.

Apex Legends Horizon tips

Apex Legends Horizon
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment
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Here are some tips for Horizon to help you bring out her full potential:

  • Horizon can be used for both aggressive and defensive play, but she truly shines in high-intensity close-range fights. That’s why close-range weapons like the R-99 or CAR SMG are a must-bring.
  • Learn movement techniques that incorporate air strafing - the most common and universally useful ones being slide hopping and wall jumping.
  • Stock up on ordnance. The Black Hole's ultimate ability severely limits enemy mobility. Throw a couple of grenades into the mix and you’ll deal tons of damage.
  • Use the Gravity Lift to block doorways. This will allow you an escape opportunity or grant you a bit of downtime to heal or reload. It will also deflect projectiles like ordnance or legend abilities, serving as a sort of budget Wattson Pylon.
  • Always crouch when falling. If you hit the ground at the right angle, you’ll be launched forward into a long slide, allowing you to clear large distances quickly.
  • Use a Black Hole to flush out enemies from behind the cover. Simply throw it next to their cover, and they’ll be pulled out into the open.

Now, let’s have a look at some legends that go well with Horizon.

Best Apex Legends Horizon team compositions

Apex Legends Horizon
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Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Some legends that compliment Horizon’s abilities and play style are:

  • Fuse: This legend has a passive which allows him to carry more grenades, as well as a pretty aggressive playstyle, which compliments Horizon’s ultimate ability perfectly.
  • Bangalore: Her smoke launcher combined with the Tactical Artillery ultimate allows for great escape and repositioning possibilities when combined with the Gravity Lift.
  • Lifeline: This field medic will be of great help, reducing the time needed to recuperate during a firefight by providing healing, as well as reviving knocked-down teammates. Horizon’s Gravity Lift will help greatly in those tasks.
  • Newcastle: The Gravity Lift will help Newcastle take a position on high ground and set up his fortress.

That's all you need to know to master this incredible character. But before you go, check out our article on how to play Catalyst like a pro.

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