Looking for all Apex Legends Revenant Reborn information? We've got you covered. After weeks of teasers, Revenant from Apex Legends has finally undergone a major rework in a bid to bring the Legend in line with the rest of the character roster.
As part of the Season 18 update for Respawn Entertainment's battle royale, a rejuvenated Revenant comes with several modifications to their existing abilities which are bound to make them a viable option in both casual and ranked matches.
Before we share more intel on Apex Legends Revenant Reborn, take a look at our Apex Legends weapon tier list showcasing the best weapons to use right now.
What is Apex Legends Revenant Reborn?
Revenant Reborn is the name of Respawn Entertainment's extensive overhaul of Revenant. The developer has adjusted and introduced a variety of new abilities and mechanics for players to master once they make their return to action.
Apex Legends Revenant Reborn abilities
Here's a closer look at Revenant's new abilities:
- Passive: Assassin's Instinct - Provides increased horizontal movement and highlights any low-health enemies within the surrounding area. Revenant's passive also pings the low-health opponents for squadmates.
- Tactical: Shadow Pounce - Grants the ability to leap forward great distances. Increase the distance by holding the Tactical button.
- Ultimate: Forged Shadows - Activates shadows that protect Revenant from any incoming damage. Knocks scored when Forged Shadows is active reduces the Tactical recharge time.
Apex Legends Revenant Reborn release date
Revenant Reborn features as part of the Season 18 update which begins on August 8, 2023. This is when players will have the opportunity to get their hands on Revenant and see how they compare to other Legends.
In addition to Revenant Reborn, Season 18 comes with a range of ranked changes, a rework for the Charge Rifle, and a number of weapon balancing changes in order to spice up the current meta.
There you have it, that's all there is to know about Apex Legends Revenant Reborn. For more, take a look at our Apex Legends tier list for the best Legends to use right now.
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