Keeping an eye on your enemy is the core of any FPS game. And that's where Apex Legends Seer excels at. His keen ability to survey, track down, and reveal enemy locations to his mates makes him a must-have in every team composition.
His seamless scanning abilities make him a top-tier Apex Legends character. Not to forget, he's also a Recon Legend, meaning he scans Survey Beacon locations and reveals the next ring locations on the fly to all his teammates. Seer's a fun character to play and master, especially if you like tracking down enemies and staying ahead of their strategies.
In this guide, we'll discuss Seer from Apex Legends, his abilities, pros and cons, and some playstyle tips to amp your game.
Apex Legends Seer abilities
Seer's skills are easy to follow. All you need is some practice; you'll know his playstyle like the back of your hand. To understand this better, let's have a quick look at Seer's abilities-
The focus of Attention
Seer summons micro-drones to check up on nearby enemies. These drones emit a blast on a delay that can travel through walls. If the blast touches an enemy player, it reveals their location and health to Seer.
The focus of Attention also stops healing actions, making it hard for the opponents to heal back to their full health.
Heart Seeker
As romantic as this skill sounds, it's far from it. Seer's passive ability, Heart Seeker, lets him visualize nearby enemies' heartbeats when equipped with a weapon. This passive also works if Seer is holding out a hand. The passive also pulses when there are enemies nearby.
Seer's micro-drones create a sphere and reveal the location of all enemies within the wheel. The ability comes with 125 health points and is also destroyable.
The enemy positions are also crucial to know. And that's why, any crouching or hiding won't be visible on the rader.
Apex Legends Seer strengths and weaknesses
Seer is an exciting legend to play in Apex Legends. That being said, it can be challenging for first-time players. His abilities are powerful and need perfect timing to execute. However, Seer is not much of an offensive-kitted character.
To understand these nuances better, we have curated summarised portions of Seer's strengths and weaknesses to best understand his gameplay. So, let's check them out for a better insight into Seer's game tactics.
Seer strengths
Team fights and ambushes are best when Seer's ultimate Exhibit is active. It helps everyone on your team have an advantage over the opponents. While it's on, any enemy standing still is visible. It helps to take down enemies with low health, giving your team a smaller foe number to deal with.
Additionally, his Heart Seeker passive-pulses when detecting nearby enemies, instantly giving away their location to him. This information comes in handy when strategizing combo attacks with your team.
Seer weaknesses
Given Seer's tactical tracking ability, he can be a squishy character amidst ambushes. Meaning that one wrong move and you might die multiple times. For this best, keep your passive Heart Seeker in check to know your enemy's next moves.
Not to forget, Exhibit Seer's ability is destroyable. So, you need to find a perfect spot to deploy and use it without catching any opponent's eye.
Apex Legends Seer tips and tricks
Now that you have Seer's skill list and playstyle in hand, it's time to check out some cool tricks to play his character well. So, here are some tips to help you make your gameplay more interesting and safe-
Stay in the shadows
In addition to being a less-than-average offensive tactics character, Seer is also far more visible than others. And that is due to his massive hat that makes his head more targettable for a quick snipe.
To ensure your safety try staying within shadowy areas when surveying enemy locations. Try to be as discreet as possible to have great gameplay.
Focus on weaker opposition
Why focus on formidable enemies when you can weed out weaker players first? For this, use your tactical ability and passive ability with correct timing.
These can be moments when a low-health player is trying to heal or a weaker enemy is trying to hide from an ambush. Use these abilities to reveal their locations to your teammates to restrict the opposition's ability to heal or upgrade.
Find safety in risky moments
Let's say your team has weakened, and they need a place to heal and revive. Use your ultimate Exhibit to find a spot that's away from enemy viewpoints. Knowing enemy locations and positions can help you strategise faster, especially when time's running out.
Try out these tricks, tips, and knowledge of Seer's abilities, and make your gameplay more efficient.
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