Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - Best SVD Loadout

black ops 6 Best SVD Loadout
Credit: Activision

black ops 6 Best SVD Loadout
Credit: Activision

The SVD resembles the Dragunov Sniper from previous CoD titles. Despite being one of the least favorite choices for players in prior editions, the SVD is currently one of the most preferred guns in Black Ops 6. Boasting a fast fire rate with a quick scope time, this weapon can be a game-changer for aggressive snipers.

However, the correct build is essential to unlocking a load-out's full potential. We've detailed everything in the article below to help you find the best attachments for the SVD.

The Best SVD Loadout in Call of Duty Black Ops 6

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  • Barrel: Long Barrel
  • Magazine: Extended Mag 1
  • Comb: Quickdraw Riser
  • Stock: Light Stock
  • Laser: Strelok Laser

This completes the build for the SVD.

Details of the SVD Build

As seen above, this class has five attachments. Below is a brief breakdown of each.

We'll start with the Long Barrel, focusing more on Mobility and the ADS (Aim Down Sight Speed).

Since the SVD is a high fire-rate sniper, the ability to ADS quickly can be a game-changer. With the Long Barrel, you decrease the Aim Down Sight Speed by 13%, with the enhanced Movement and Crouch Movement Speed bonus.

The only flip-side here is the increase in reload speed, which gains a 16% increase (in the case of half-empty clips.) This can be a disadvantage, considering your play style and the situation you’re put up against. Nonetheless, the Extended Mag 1 compensates for it.

The Quickdraw Riser Comb is another attachment that makes up for the lost Reload Quickness. Boasting a whopping 14-percent increase for half-empty clips with a bonus of a 13-percent decrease in the ADS, the Quickdraw Riser gives the whole build a significant buff. This single attachment is arguably retaining the current meta state of the SVD.

However, the only downside to this attachment is the decrease in negligible firepower. This is also negatively influenced by the Light Stock, which would’ve been concerning if it hadn’t been for the Sterlok Laser compensating for the lost firepower by giving it a significant buff.

Apart from increasing the firepower, though, the Sterlok Laser also greatly increases the SVD’s accuracy. In most cases, you’d find that a no-scope will get the job done.

The SVD Sniper: An All-Rounder Build

BLOPS 6 SVD training
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As the detailed breakdown above shows, the attachments mainly focus on the ADS and the Movement Speeds. This is mainly due to the nature of the Sniper, which fundamentally focuses on aggressive play styles.

Here’s an overview of the enhanced statistics:

  • Movement Speed: Increased by a factor of 19%.
  • Crouch Movement Speed: Increased by a factor of 30%.
  • Aim Down Sight Speed: Increased by a factor of 13%.
  • Reload Quickness: Decreased by a factor of 16%.
  • Empty Reload Quickness: Decreased by a factor of 12%.
  • Firepower: Moderately improved.

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