Dark Ops has returned in Black Ops Cold War and it brings with it a number of difficult challenges to complete that will no doubt want you to tear your hair out.
However, if you can persevere and complete these challenges, you'll be rewarded with XP and a unique Calling Card.
If you're struggling to complete these challenges, here's our guide to completing it.
Multiplayer Dark Ops Challenges
Relentless Killer
- Earn 10 Relentless medals (20 kills without dying)
- 5000 XP and the 'Relentless Killer' Calling Card
To complete this calling card you're going to need to go on a lengthy killstreak to complete it.
Our advice is to either play Fireteam: Dirty Bomb or Combined Arms.
In Dirty Bomb, there is no matchmaking but huge numbers of players. If you play smart, you can pick players off easily at distance and remain relatively untouched. However, you won't have streaks at your disposal for racking up the kills.
In Combined Arms, you will have more players to kill and you can use scorestreaks to help push your streaks further. Our advice is to pick some of the high streaks and play defensively to keep your streak going.
NOTE: You will need to get the kill, it is not rewarded for Eliminations.
Brutal Killer
- Earn a Brutal medal (25 kills without dying)
- 5000 XP and the 'Brutal Killer' Calling Card
Similar to the previous challenge, try working in Fireteam: Dirty Bomb or Combined Arms to rack up the streaks.
Nuclear Killer
- Earn a Brutal medal (25 kills without dying)
- 5000 XP and the 'Brutal Killer' Calling Card
Similar to the past challenge, try working in Fireteam: Dirty Bomb or Combined Arms to rack up the streaks.
Frenzy Killer
- Earn a Frenzy Kill medal (5 rapid kills)
- 5000 XP and the 'Frenzy Killer' Calling Card
Similar to the past challenge, try working in Fireteam: Dirty Bomb or Combined Arms as it means more people and larger clusters of players.
For this, you're going to have to throw yourself into high traffic areas. Objective locations are usually the best play to do this, particularly in modes such as Assault.
Running a covert class that has things like Ghost on so you can stay hidden will help you get the surprise edge on players.
We'd also advise picking a weapon with a large magazine size, so be sure to equip the appropriate attachment. Or, you can use explosives to help rapidly take out enemies.
One other way is to use powerful scorestreaks such as the Napalm Strike, Cruise Missile or Chopper Gunner to quickly chain together kills.
Mega Killer
- Earn a Mega Kill medal (6 rapid kills)
- 10,000 XP and the 'Mega Killer' Calling Card
Similar to the past challenge, try working in Fireteam: Dirty Bomb or Combined Arms to rack up the quick kill chains.
Ultra Killer
- Earn an Ultra Kill medal (7 rapid kills)
- 10,000 XP and the 'Ultra Killer' Calling Card
Similar to the past challenge, try working in Fireteam: Dirty Bomb or Combined Arms to rack up the quick kill chains.
Chain Killer
- Earn a Chain Kill medal (7+ rapid kills)
- 10,000 XP and the 'Chain Killer' Calling Card
Similar to the past challenge, try working in Fireteam: Dirty Bomb or Combined Arms to rack up the quick kill chains.
From The Depths
- Get 25 kills against enemies that are on land or a ship’s surface when you are shooting at them from underwater with a primary or secondary weapon.
- Rewards: 5,000 XP and 'From The Depths' Calling Card
This is a much easier challenge to complete although will take some patience for a few reasons.
The first is due to the fact that the only map you can do this on is Armada. Secondly, you can't guarantee it's always going to pop up in the map rotation.
So the best place to do this is in Combined Arms as this only picks three maps (Armada being one of them).
Just hang around in the water underneath the map and wait for a player to come and use the underground passages to get around the map.
Dive under the water and kill the player before they can get away.
Hard Wipe
- Single-handedly eliminate an entire squad of 4 players in a Fireteam mode.
- Rewards: 5,000 XP and 'Hard Wipe' Calling Card
This can be either really easy or rather frustrating depending on your luck.
My advice is to hang around the Bomb sites and wait for a squad of 4 to appear and obliterate them. You can usually find a squad hanging around a nearby building.
If you really want to ensure you get it done, find a camping player or two and wait for their squad to spawn on them and kill them all!
Back At You
- Throw a Frag Grenade back and kill the enemy that threw the grenade at you.
- Rewards: 1,000 XP and 'Back At You' Calling Card
This can be straight forward but also a bit luck based.
Jump into any objective-based mode and hang around the objectives waiting for a grenade to fall at your feet.
When it does, pick it up by pressing R1 or RB and throw it back quickly (because you never know how long it has been cooked for).
I would also advise you Flak Jacket to avoid any unexpected deaths.
Nuked Out
- Earned a Nuclear medal in Free-For-All without using Scorestreak rewards.
- Rewards: 5,000 XP and 'Nuked Out' Calling Card
This is a tough one as it requires you to go 30-0 in a FFA game WITHOUT scorestreaks.
However, it should just refer to using them to kill opponents. So you can still use some of the non-lethal streaks such as the Spy Plane, Counter-Spy Plane and Armor.
You're going to need to play very carefully for this and quite passive at times. Patrol an area of the map with your best covert class (Suppressor, Ghost, Cold Blooded, Ninja) and do your best to only take fights that work for you.
Very Nuclear
- Earn a Nuclear medal with 21 different weapons with all kills coming from that weapon.
- Rewards: 5,000 XP and 'Very Nuclear' Calling Card
This is the hardest challenge of the bunch because it not only wants you to grab a 30 killstreak, all of the kills must come from that gun and you need to do it with 21 different weapons.
There are only 20 primary weapons in the game (at launch) so you'll have to use one of the shotguns or the knife to get 21...or wait for a DLC weapon.
It might be better sticking to a 6v6 game mode to ensure you complete this without too much chaos going on.
Underwater Ops
- While underwater, plant C4 on an enemy-occupied Gunboat or Wakerunner and detonate to destroy the vehicle and kill the occupants 5 time
- Rewards: 5,000 XP and 'Underwater Ops' Calling Card
You're going to have to play Armada to get this task done - so you'll need to jump into Combined Arms to get it done as it's the only map with water and the only one with boats in it.
The best time to do this is at the start of games while boats are still and unused.
Try and get a class that helps you run faster than normal, get to the boats as soon as possible, plant C4 on it and wait for an enemy to take it.
Dark Ops Master
- Complete all Dark Ops challenges.
- 10,000 XP and 'Dark Ops Master' Calling Card
If you manage to complete all of the above challenges, you'll unlock the last challenge and get a unique Calling Card.
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