How does the Call of Duty Warzone Fly Buy public event work?

call of duty warzone soldiers rushing in with helicopters and paratroopers flying overhead

call of duty warzone soldiers rushing in with helicopters and paratroopers flying overhead

Call of Duty Warzone has become a hotbed for some of the most exciting seasonal events and collaborations. The release of Modern Warfare 3 has only bolstered the focus on seasonal events. With the release of Season 1, we can look forward to a pretty busy roadmap for Warzone. One of the events listed here is the Warzone Fly Buy public event.

If you've become a bit bored with the formula of regular matches, then you can look forward to all the new features and mechanics being added to Warzone. The Fly Buy event is meant to provide one such feature that will spice up your matches and add another layer of unpredictability for those willing to capitalise on it. Let's learn everything there is to know about the Fly Buy public event and how it works.

If you're excited about Call of Duty Warzone, we've compiled everything about Season 1 into one handy hub. To prepare for the new season, check out our guides to unlocking the XRK stalker and Abolisher operator.

call of duty warzone buy station purchasing
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What is the Fly Buy public event?

The Fly Buy mechanic results in 5-6 drones flying over the map and dropping buy stations in designated random locations. This aerial drone pass can occur randomly at any time during your match or not at all. While they're meant to drop the buy station at a designated spot, if you manage to spot them in time while being in range, you can shoot them down so they drop the buy station quickly. This method allows for some tactical buy station placements for your team during tough spots late in the game or to deny/bait enemies with those buy stations.

Note that the buy stations will not carry unique equipment or weapons and will be the same as the standard buy stations at fixed points on the map. Nevertheless, the utility of a buy station should not be underestimated as it can allow a fallen ally to quickly restock or let you gain a significant advantage as you try to capitalise off the earnings from a victory against another team.

That's all you need to know about the Warzone Fly Buy public event and how it works. For more Call of Duty Warzone guides, be sure to learn about the new perk changes and our loadout guides for the MTZ 762 and Rival 9.

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