Diablo 4 Druid Spirits of the Lost Grove quest guide

The Diablo 4 Druid class quest has you rescuing an Animal Spirit.
Credit: Screenshot by Gfinity Esports

The Diablo 4 Druid class quest has you rescuing an Animal Spirit.
Credit: Screenshot by Gfinity Esports

The Diablo 4 Druid Spirits of the Lost Grove is a class-specific quest. In it, your nature-loving character will finally gain some much-needed perks. Our Diablo 4 Druid Spirits of the Lost Grove quest guide discusses the requirements and objectives that you'll need to complete.

The Diablo 4 Spirits of the Lost Grove quest becomes available once your Druid reaches level 15. However, rather than having a more straightforward and easy to accomplish task compared to other classes, this one might take a while.

For more tips and tricks on the game, check out our Diablo 4 guides hub.

How to Complete Druid Spirits of the Lost Grove in Diablo 4

Spirits of the Lost Grove Unlock and Requirements

Here are the things that you need to prepare for:

  • Travel to the Scosglen region - Cerrigar is where Act 2 takes place. It also has a minimum recommended level of 20. As such, you don't want to rush to that location if you're underleveled.
  • Complete Tul Dulra Stronghold - Not only that, but you also need to clear an actual Stronghold. These are akin to overworld dungeons with many hostiles. This one has a minimum recommended level of 25 and, past that point, enemies will still be two levels above your character.

In any case, your initial goal is to conquer the aforementioned location. You can learn more in our Tul Dulra Stronghold guide. Once you're finished with this part, a new area will become available, allowing you to talk to a Druid NPC named Ardreth.

This quest will take you all over the southwestern portion of Scosglen.
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Credit: Screenshot by Gfinity Esports

How to Free the Spirit Lord

Ardreth tells you that a grave corruption has ravaged the land, causing the Spirit Lord to be trapped. Here are the next steps:

  • Travel to the Shrine of the Spirit Lord - The Spirit Lord Altar is just southwest of Cerrigar and Firebreak Manor. Interact with the two standing stones, as well as the statue, once you arrive. The Spirit Lord will manifest, informing you that its essence has been taken to a fane.
  • Free the Spirit Lord
Talk to the Animal Spirit to find out that it's been trapped by Khazra goatmen.
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Credit: Screenshot by Gfinity Esports

Druid Spirits of the Lost Grove Reward and Unlock

With the ancient spirit freed, it's time to return to Tul Dulra. Upon talking to Ardreth, you're told that the ancient creature's remains have been cleansed. This completes the Diablo 4 Druid Spirits of the Lost Grove quest.

While you do receive a lot of XP and gold, the most important reward here is none other than the in-game mechanic that allows you to select Spirit Boons. These are powerful passives that further bolster the Druid's capabilities. You can learn more in our best Spirit Boons guide.

For more tips and tricks on the game, you can also check out our list of all bosses in the game, our guide on how to claim challenge rewards, and our breakdown of the game's story.

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