Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D: How to Fly

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D: How to Fly
Credit: Square Enix

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D: How to Fly
Credit: Square Enix

Flying has long been an exciting feature in the Dragon Quest series, giving players the thrill of gliding over the world. Dragon Quest 3 Remake takes it up a notch with Ramia.

It allows players to access areas of the world map that are otherwise unreachable. Here’s how to start flying in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

How to Fly

You’ll receive a ship from the King of Portoga early in your journey. In return, you'll need to acquire the Black Pepper.

Dragon Quest 3 Remake screenshot
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Credit: Square Enix

This allows you to sail the oceans and access new areas, but it quickly becomes evident that some regions remain out of reach, particularly those surrounded by mountains or locked away inland.

This is where the six Orbs come into play. These holy relics are spread throughout the world, and you’ll need to work hard and check everywhere to find them.

The game teases their purpose, but the full picture comes together as you move forward.

They are essential in reviving Ramia, who will give you the power to soar through the skies.

Once you have all six Orbs, go to the Shrine of the Everbird. You’ll find this shrine on a far-off snowy island south of the Ibis Desert.

When you arrive at the shrine, twin priestesses will reveal how to awaken Ramia.

Place each Orb on the pedestal meant for it around Ramia’s egg. A short cutscene will trigger once the Orbs are set, bringing Ramia to life.

The Everbird will recognize you as its hero when it hatches and invites you to ride on its back.

Flying with Ramia offers freedom like no other mode of transportation in the game.

Controlling Ramia is similar to moving on foot or by ship. Use the analog stick (or WASD keys on PC) to guide her through the world smoothly.

Unlike walking or sailing, Ramia allows you to adjust your altitude, which allows for better alignment during landings.

A landing cursor appears when you descend, helping you pinpoint the exact spot you want to touch down.

Keep Ramia still while landing to ensure accuracy. Moving during descent may cause you to miss your mark.

Here’s a guide to the buttons on consoles:


  • Adjust Speed: Press the button
  • Open Map: Press the button
  • Land Ramia: Press the button


  • Adjust Speed: Press the A button
  • Open Map: Press the X button
  • Land Ramia: Press the B button

While Ramia doesn’t have a speed boost feature like the ship, her ability to fly over mountains and other barriers more than compensates.

This new travel mode removes random enemy encounters, so you can immerse yourself in the mission and the world around you.

Ramia’s flight is the only way to reach Baramos’ castle. Mountains and an inland lake surround it, so nothing else can get you there.

Flying takes you to this essential place and reveals hidden spots across the map.

Which location are you most excited to explore from the skies? Comment down below!

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