How to enter Forgotten Tunnel in Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2 screenshot
Credit: Capcom

Dragon's Dogma 2 screenshot
Credit: Capcom

Are you on the prowl for clues on how to enter the Forgotten Tunnel in Dragon's Dogma 2? We've gathered all the fine points right here.

The map scale in Dragon's Dogma 2 is subtly expanded compared to its predecessor, thereby concealing a plethora of locales, including the Forgotten Tunnel. Deciphering the mysteries embedded within the game is as simple as immersing oneself in it.

True to its name, the Forgotten Tunnel sees little foot traffic from players, leaving mysteries about its contents largely unsolved. But before we delve into it, ensure that you uncover how to unlock your mage potential by attaining the Sorcerer vocation and acquiring the Archistaff in Dragon's Dogma 2.

How to enter Forgotten Tunnel in Dragon's Dogma 2

Although the main doors of the Forgotten Tunnel are locked tight, there are other ways in. You may not have stumbled upon the Forgotten Tunnel by chance, but it may reveal itself to you as you undertake the “Gift of the Bow” quest. Travel to Vernworth and scout around for Glyndwr, an elf NPC. He can often be found preoccupied with his interests near Roderick’s Smithy.

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Once you notice him, make it a top priority to interact with him to initiate the quest. Glyndwr is fixated on human-made bows, and your task is to provide him with one. You can purchase one from an armourer, and to top it off, you can also acquire the cheapest one you can ever lay your hands on. Once Glyndwr has the bow, he will then request that you demonstrate its use at the ruins northwest of Vernworth, close to the Forgotten Tunnel in the Malachite Forest.

Once your errand is finished, wander around the vicinity of the temple and climb the hill located to the right of the main entrance. Proceed to the ruins of a bridge until you find a covert entrance obscured by a rock. This route is as risky as it gets, and once inside, your only escape route is through the main doors, which are most likely guarded by either Ogres, Drakes, or Griffons.

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Another option is to head in the opposite direction from before, which means turning left within the ruins. Climb up the gentle slope towards the waterfalls, then agilely jump to the top of the ruins and head towards the cascading water. From this vantage point, spot the broken stairs scattered across the ruins that will lead you into a cave.

This route isn't any better, as you're likely to encounter foes anywhere around the Forgotten Tunnel. But choose the route that is at least more convenient for you. Inside, there are numerous treasures and loot items waiting to be found. Venturing into the tunnel could also uncover valuable equipment, resources, or even elusive secrets.

That covers any possible routes to enter the Forgotten Tunnel and discover its contents. If you're after more, check out our guides on finding False Sovran at the masquerade to complete the Stolen Throne quest in Dragon's Dogma 2.

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