How to upgrade Torgal in Final Fantasy 16

Torgal in Final Fantasy 16.

Torgal in Final Fantasy 16.

At a loss as to how to upgrade Torgal in Final Fantasy 16? Don't be. Chances are, you're just not far enough through the campaign yet to do much about it. If you're wondering exactly how Torgal upgrades work, at least so you can plan ahead, here's how it all goes down.

For those who've heard a lot about Torgal through social media but aren't aware of who (or what) it is, Torgal is your companion for your jaunt around Valisthea. A good boy - who you can pet - Torgal is a dog who joins your party to help you fight the good fight just like the rest of your battle-hardened buddies. With the right upgrades, Torgal can become a pivotal part of your battle strategy, distracting and damaging targets at the push of a button.

How to upgrade Torgal in Final Fantasy 16

As soon as Torgal joins your party, you'll likely be wondering how to upgrade the bitey boy. After all, it makes sense to have an upgrade plan in mind for the future, gathering up anything you need and scouting out necessary enemies for the job at hand.

As it turns out, however, you don't manually upgrade Torgal in Final Fantasy 16. The battle beast will get stronger over time, but not necessarily through hard-earned experience and complicated talent trees. To upgrade Torgal, you just need to make your way through the campaign, automatically unlocking key upgrades at specific points in the story.

Torgal as a puppy prior to him joining the team in Final Fantasy 16.
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One upgrade, if you can count it, comes as soon as Torgal joins the party. Wearing the Ring of Timely Assistance that's added to your inventory at the same moment will allow Torgal to execute Pet Commands automatically. It'll even make Torgal join in with Clive's attacks no matter the situation. That means Sic and Ravage will combo with Clive's attacks automatically. Torgal should even know when to use Howl to heal you in a pinch, too, letting you focus on the act of slaying.

For more Final Fantasy 16 guides, click that blue link in the first paragraph to jump straight to our dedicated hub page. For specifics, check out if Final Fantasy 16 has multiplayer, if it's open world, and whether or not it's coming to PS4, Xbox, or PC. For that last one, we've even started the search for the best laptops for Final Fantasy 16 as well.

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