Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1: Where To Find the No Emote Sign

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 screenshot
Credit: Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 screenshot
Credit: Epic Games

Fortnite is no stranger to surprises, and Chapter 6, Season 1, takes things to a whole new level with its cleverly mischievous No Emote sign.

If you've ever been tempted to defy the rules, this sign will make you think twice. This article shows you where to find the No Emote sign in Fortnite.

Where To Find the No Emote Sign

Fortnite has brought back the iconic No Emote sign, but it’s no joke this time.

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 screenshot
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Credit: Epic Games

The marker, which players used to ignore in past seasons, now has an unexpected twist.

This sign sits on a frosty hill northwest of Foxy Floodgate and has more to it than meets the eye.

It’s an interactive Easter egg designed to surprise players in the most punishing way possible.

The sign is up high on a cliff. It is easily visible as you approach the area marked between the F and O of Foxy on the map.

You’ll see red barricades and cones around the sign, warning you about what’s next.

While in the vicinity, you might even spot a few familiar coral creatures that nod to past Fortnite seasons.

However, their silence says it all—this isn’t the time to show off your emotes. The sign, with its harsh humor, lays down the rules.

If a player emotes nearby, an invisible force will toss them off the cliff.

The fall will instantly knock you out regardless of your health or new mechanics like the roll landing feature.

It happens fast, and there’s no dodging it, which turns this simple interaction into a potential match-ender.

It’s a common prank where players get their friends to emote at a location without spilling the beans on what happens next.

In previous seasons, No Emote signs were used in challenges, encouraging players to either dance or destroy the signs in direct defiance of the rules.

Fortnite flips the script by making the stakes real, surprising even the most seasoned players.

The feature has sparked a buzz in the community, with many sharing stories of their surprising first run-ins with the sign’s deadly side.

If you’re curious and want to see the Easter egg, head northwest of Foxy Floodgate and look for the barricaded cliff.

Tread lightly and prepare for a funny moment or a frustrating setback if you go too far.

What’s the funniest moment you've had with the No Emote sign?

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