All Hades 2 Boons and the Best to Pick

Melinoe standing between Apollo and Demeter from Hades 2.
Credit: Supergiant Games

Melinoe standing between Apollo and Demeter from Hades 2.
Credit: Supergiant Games

Trekking through the realm of the dead is a dangerous endeavour, even with the gods of Olympus in your corner. That’s why in this guide, we’ll be taking a look at all the Hades 2 Boons you’ll be able to get and help you determine the best ones to aim for on your next playthrough.

While fighting your way through Hades 2, you may notice that Melinoe has a combat style that differs from that of her brother. Still, she’s just as capable of going up against the toughest Hades 2 bosses you'll face.

So if you’re ready for another round of blasting through waves of enemies, then let’s go ahead and go through the best Boons to get in Hades 2.

Best Hades 2 Boons

While the best Boons in Hades 2 will depend on the type of build you’re aiming for during your next foray into the Underworld, there are those that will be great to have regardless of what you have in mind. Here’s our list of Boons you should always hope to get in Hades 2:

  • Healthy Rebound (Aphrodite) – restores your health back to full after exiting a location as long as you haven’t lost too much HP
  • Soot Sprint (Hestia) – sprinting will destroy most projectiles and inflict Scorch on whoever fired them
  • Nova Strike (Apollo) – Melinoe’s attacks affect a larger area and deal more damage
  • Fluid Gain (Poseidon) – striking foes may produce Spirit Bubbles that restore Magick
  • Fixed Gain (Hephaestus) – reduce the amount of damage received and restore some Magick when taking hits
  • Greater Evasion (Hermes) – gives you a chance to dodge attacks, completely negating its damage
  • Swift Strike (Hermes) – makes Attacks faster
  • Swift Flourish (Hermes) – makes Specials faster

Keep in mind that the gods who appear and the Boons they offer during your trip to the Underworld will be up to chance. You can only hope that you'll get a handful of the best Boons in each run, though it doesn't always work out that way. Thankfully, there are plenty more to give Melinoe a boost.

A screenshot of the player fighting Scylla in Hades 2, making use of their acquired Boons.
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Credit: Supergiant Games. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports.

All Boons in Hades 2

If you’re looking for a list of all the available Boons in Hades 2, we’ve got you covered in that area as well. Here’s a quick rundown of each buff the gods of Olympus will offer:


  • Flutter Flourish – Specials deal more damage to nearby enemies
  • Flutter Strike – your Attacks deal more damage to nearby enemies
  • Glamour Gain – one enemy will always be weak during encounters, Melinoe will restore Magick gradually when near weak targets
  • Healthy Rebound – restore health after exiting a location as long as you meet the minimum HP requirement
  • Heart Breaker – create an explosive projectile that circles around Melinoe after consuming 30 Magick
  • Life Affirmation – Max Life bonuses will have greater effects
  • Passion Dash – enemies near the start and end points of your Dash will be inflicted with Weak
  • Rapture Ring – your Cast will drag enemies toward it and inflict Weak
  • Secret Crush – entering a location will prime 20 Magick for added Attack Power
  • Shameless Attitude – deal more damage when health is at 80% or higher
  • Wispy Wiles – having four Air Boons will allow you to Dodge certain attacks


  • Back Burner – enemies with Daze take more damage when struck from behind
  • Beach Ball (Poseidon Duo) – create a sphere of water that trails behind you as you Sprint. The sphere will launch forward to deal damage after stopping
  • Blinding Sprint – increase Sprint speed and inflict Daze on nearby enemies
  • Critical Miss – enemies that miss their attacks due to Daze take damage
  • Dazzling Display – Attacks can inflict Daze
  • Exceptional Talent – Omega Attacks and Omega Specials will fire twice but consume more Magick
  • Extra Dose – Attacks have a chance to land twice
  • Light Smite – taking damage will cause enemies to take damage and be hit with Daze
  • Lucid Gain – standing in your Cast will restore Magick gradually
  • Nova Flourish – Specials will deal more damage in a larger area
  • Nova Strike – Attacks will deal more damage in a larger area
  • Perfect Image – Melinoe will have increased offensive output in an encounter until she takes damage
  • Self Healing – taking damage will restore some of Melinoe’s health as long as you have at least three Fire Boons
  • Solar Ring – deal rapid damage in an area after Omega Cast expires
  • Super Nova – Cast will expand until it expires
An in-game list of Boons from Apollo, with Melinoe posing on the left side.
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Credit: Supergiant Games. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports.


  • Death Warrant – a random enemy will get Marked, making them more susceptible to critical attacks. When this target receives critical damage, another enemy will be Marked
  • Easy Shot – fire an arrow toward enemies hit by your Omega Cast
  • First Blood – enemies with at least 80% health or armour may take critical damage
  • Lethal Snare – targets inside your Cast may take critical damage
  • Silver Streak – increase Omega damage for 2 seconds after performing a Dash
Getting in touch with Demeter in the Underworld of Hades 2, with the character posing on the left side.
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Credit: Supergiant Games. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports.


  • Arctic Ring – Cast will deal damage repeatedly and inflict Freeze
  • Cherished Heirloom – most other Keepsakes equipped will have stronger effects
  • Coarse Grit – having at least six Earth Boons will limit the amount of damage you take per hit
  • Cold Storage – Freeze effects last longer
  • Frigid Sprint – using Sprint will create a Cyclone around Melinoe that deals damage and slows down any enemy caught in it
  • Gale Force – Cast will also create a Cyclone when used
  • Ice Flourish – Specials will deal more damage and have a chance of inflicting Freeze
  • Ice Strike – Attacks will deal more damage and have a chance of inflicting Freeze
  • Local Climate – Omega Cast will deal bonus damage and follow you around
  • Natural Selection – increase the odds for Boons to be Rare or higher and exclude Max Life, Max Magick, and Gold Crowns from location rewards
  • Plentiful Forage – receive a Mystery Seed and gain Max Life whenever you gather plants, seeds, or mushrooms
  • Rare Crop – Boons will become common and then upgrade in rarity after every three encounters
  • Torrential Downpour – Omega Cast will get stronger after every use but will consume Magick
  • Tranquil Gain – standing still will restore Magick until you move again
  • Weed Killer – Omega Attacks will deal more damage but consume Magick
  • Winter Coat – Prime a barrier that will negate one instance of damage every time you enter a new location


  • Deep Dissent – Chronos will summon fewer reinforcements
  • Howling Soul – Cast will launch a projectile that will form a binding circle where it lands
  • Last Gasp – increase damage output for every use of Death Defiance
  • Life Tax – restore health equal to 1% of the damage you deal until the threshold is reached
  • Old Grudge – Chronos will take damage equal to 20% of his health at the start of battle
  • Unseen Ire – Melinoe will go Dark after taking damage, vanishing from sight and increasing the potency of her next attack


  • Anvil Ring – Cast will deal damage three times in a small area
  • Fixed Gain – reduces damage taken by 10% and restores Magick whenever Melinoe is hit
  • Furnace Blast – blast effects may inflict Vent, a status that deals delayed damage to enemies
  • Heavy Metal – gain Armor and become immune to knockback effects
  • Martial Art – improve Attack and Special damage for each Earth boon you have
  • Mint Condition – become Impervious for a brief period at the start of each encounter
  • Molten Touch – Attacks and Specials deal extra damage to Armor
  • Smithy Sprint – consume 10 Magick after using Sprint to deal damage to nearby enemies
  • Tough Trade – taking damage while launching your own attacks will make them more powerful
  • Trusty Shield – Prime 30 Magick to gain Armor after entering a location
  • Uncanny Fortitude – increase your Max Life based on your Magick limit
  • Volcanic Flourish – Specials can create a blast that deals 400 damage
  • Volcanic Strike – Attacks can create a blast that deals 200 damage


  • Born Gain – when you run out of Magick, Prime to restore a set amount
  • Bridal Glow – Boons become Heroic but start to lose Rarity after a number of encounters
  • Dying Wish – when killing an enemy with Hitch, deal damage to all other enemies with the Hitch status
  • Engagement Ring – Cast lasts longer and deals damage to any enemies that join the encounter
  • Family Trade – any Sacrifice Boons you acquire will be more potent
  • Hereditary Bane – Hitch effects deal more damage and last five seconds longer
  • Keen Intuition – Omega Moves used while at full Magick will deal more damage
  • Nasty Comeback – inflict enemies with Hitch after taking damage
  • Nexus Sprint – using Sprint will inflict Hitch on nearby enemies. This status can spread to nearby targets
  • Proper Upbringing – Common Boons will have upgraded Rarity as long as you have at least three Earth Boons
  • Queen’s Ransom – discard all Zeus Boons. Hera Boons will gain a level for each boon lost
  • Sworn Flourish – Specials deal more damage and inflict Hitch
  • Sworn Strike – Attacks deal more damage and inflict Hitch
  • Uncommon Grace – deal more damage if none of your Boons are Common


  • Greater Evasion – gain a chance to Dodge every time Melinoe gets hit by an attack
  • Hard Target – most enemy projectiles move slower
  • Mean Streak – increase damage dealt for 30 seconds after defeating an enemy
  • Midnight Oil – move and attack faster when Hex is ready
  • Nitro Boost – Sprint becomes 20% faster and gains a barrier that can negate some instances of damage
  • Quick Buck – receive 100 Gold Crowns. Any Gold Crowns found moving forward will be in larger amounts
  • Saved Breath – using Omega Cast will consume less Magick
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  • Swift Flourish – Specials are faster
  • Swift Strike – Attacks are faster
  • Tall Order – having at least two of each Water, Earth, Fire, and Air Boons will increase your damage
  • Witty Retort – Hex will require less Magick


  • Burning Desire – Lone Shades appear in locations that you can Sprint toward to launch an attack
  • Burnt Offering – increase Max Life and Max Magick after Hestia chooses a boon to discard
  • Controlled Burn – using your Omega Special will launch a projectile while consuming 10 Magick
  • Fire Extinguisher – enemies with at least 300 Scorch will burst
  • Flame Flourish – Specials can inflict Scorch
  • Flame Strike – Attacks can inflict Scorch
  • Flammable Coating – Scorch will deal bonus damage to Armor
  • Glowing Coal – holding Cast will allow you to aim and fire a projectile that explodes on impact
  • Hearth Gain – reduce Max Life by 20% but Magick will be restored rapidly
  • Natural Gas – defeating enemies with Scorch will deal damage to nearby enemies
  • Slow Cooker – boost the power of Attacks and Specials for each Fire boon you have
  • Smolder Ring – Cast will repeatedly inflict Scorch
  • Soot Sprint – using Sprint will destroy nearby enemy projectiles and inflict Scorch on whoever fired them
An in-game list of boons from Poseidon
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Credit: Supergiant Games


  • Breaker Sprint – Sprint deals damage on impact and has a knockback effect, consuming 5 Magick per hit
  • Double Up – claiming resource rewards may produce a copy
  • Flood Control – Prime 30 Magick after entering a location to reduce damage
  • Fluid Gain – attacking enemies may produce Spirit Bubbles that restore 20 Magick on contact
  • Geyser Ring – Omega Cast will deal damage right away and knock back enemies
  • Hydraulic Might – Attacks and Specials are stronger for the first 10 seconds of an encounter
  • Island Getaway (Aphrodite Duo) – take less damage from nearby enemies. Aphrodite Boons will consider all enemies nearby
  • Ocean’s Bounty – obtain more Minor Finds and Gold Crowns
  • Slippery Slope – splash effects can inflict Slip on enemies
  • Sunken Treasure – obtain an assortment of Gold Crowns, Healing, Ashes, and Psyche
  • Water Fitness – gain Max Life when you have at least four Water Boons
  • Wave Flourish – Specials create a splash that has a knockback effect
  • Wave Strike – Attacks create a splash that has a knockback effect


  • Air Quality – always deal at least 30 damage per hit when in possession of at least five Air Boons
  • Divine Vengeance – enemies that land a hit on Melinoe are struck with a lightning bolt
  • Double Strike – lightning bolts may hit twice
  • Electric Overload – activating Blitz will create a chain lightning effect between enemies
  • Heaven Flourish – Specials can inflict Blitz
  • Heaven Strike – Attacks can inflict Blitz
  • Ionic Gain – maximum Magick is reduced by 70% but is continually restored
  • King’s Ransom – discard all Hera Boons. All Zeus Boons will gain a level for each boon lost
  • Lightning Lance – hold down Cast to aim where a binding circle that deals lightning damage will land
  • Spirit Surge – enemies can be randomly struck by lightning when Melinoe is at 10 Magick or below
  • Static Shock – Prime 50 Magcik when entering a location to create a chain lightning effect with your attacks
  • Storm Ring – Omega Cast will repeatedly deal lightning damage to one enemy
  • Thunder Sprint – using Sprint can produce lightning bolts that consume three Magick each
  • Toasting Fork – Blitz will still deal damage after expiring without being activated

And that’s all the Boons that are currently in Hades 2 including some of our top picks. With the game still in early access, keep an eye out for more Boons in the future. We'll update this guide if more Boons are added to Hades 2. For more on the roguelike game, feel free to check out the Hades 2 voice actor cast.

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