If you're having trouble reaching some glowing objects in Hogwarts Legacy, keep reading. We'll tell you how to reach dragon statues. Though there aren't quite so many in and around the castle, you're sure to encounter various dragon statues as you explore. Some of them will be pretty easy to get to, but others are just out of reach. Here's what to do.
Hogwarts Legacy has a lot of different objects that you can interact with, some with very specific means and methods. The dragon statues are no different and so read on for the solution to reaching these statues.
While you're here, if you're looking for more Hogwarts Legacy content, then be sure to check out some of our other Hogwarts Legacy guides, such as our guide to the Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials, our Hogwarts Legacy talents list, and our Hogwarts Legacy full quest list.
How to reach dragon statues in Hogwarts Legacy
You're going to encounter dragon statues throughout your time in Hogwarts Legacy. Most are like tiny fountains or candle holders you can get up close to, which are easy to solve. But the same trick won't work for the few you might spot as torches on high walls.
The dragon statues require fire to activate, and so for the closer ones, Incendio will do the job. For your longer ones, you're going to need a projectile spell that's still able to set things alight.
For this, you're going to need to learn the Confringo spell. This will launch a fireball at the statue and activate it, uncovering a Field Guide page like any other. But that's not the end of your struggles.
How to reach a Field Guide spell on a wall
Can't quite reach that Field Guide spell you just unlocked on a wall? You don't need to levitate yourself up there, climb anything dangerous, or even try to learn that wall walking spell the student in the courtyard has figured out. You can just use Accio to pull that field guide page right to you.
While you're here, check out some of our other Hogwarts Legacy guides, such as our guide to opening door puzzles, our guide to Hogwarts Legacy house tokens, and how to unlock wingardium leviosa
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