Hogwarts Legacy trophies and achievements guide

An old book in the player's hands in Hogwarts Legacy.

An old book in the player's hands in Hogwarts Legacy.
April 7, 2023: We've checked our information.

There are many trophy hunters in the gaming community, known for their passion for achievements. If you're one of them, then you will find this guide useful, as it will tell you about all the Hogwarts Legacy trophies and achievements.

If you want to get all trophies and achievements in Hogwarts Legacy, then keep reading! Today, we will give you the list of all these special tasks and challenges, ready for the game.

If you want to read more guides about Hogwarts Legacy, check our article on whether you can play Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy. Moreover, we have a list of all spells you can cast in the game, and all Hogwarts Legacy voice actors known so far.

A character walking across an open muddy cavern in Hogwarts Legacy.
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All trophies and achievements in Hogwarts Legacy

What kind of achievements does Hogwarts Legacy have? Let’s find out!

Here is the list of all achievements and trophies in the game, as per its listing on the Epic Games Store, which was released prior to the game coming out. One thing we don't know just yet is how much Gamerscore each one is worth, or whether they're bronze, silver, gold, or platinum. That'll become clearer once the game launches!

Check out the full list of Hogwarts Legacy achievements below. Beware of spoilers, since some of these unveil story beats and plot points!

Trophy name
The Sort Who Makes an Entrance
Complete the introduction and finish the Sorting Ceremony
The Hallowed Hero
Wield a Deathly Hallow
Grappling with a Graphorn
Subdue the Lord of the Shore
The Seeker of Knowledge
Win the House Cup
The Defender of Dragons
Save a dragon
The Hero of Hogwarts
Defeat Ranrok
A Sallow Grave
Complete Sebastian Sallow’s relationship line
The Good Samaritan
Complete all side quests
The One Who Mastered Memories
View all Pensieve memories
Flight the Good Flight
Beat Imelda’s time in all broom races
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As you can see, this game has many interesting trophies and achievements and hopefully, you will be able to complete all of them. After all, there's no better way to make the most out of a game than getting 100% completion!

Luckily, we have many other guides on this game. For example, you can read our guide on if there are dragons in Hogwarts Legacy, and whether the game will have DLC. We've also got a look at the main Hogwarts Legacy villains, so you know which evil figures you'll come up against.

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