How to Decrease Hunger and Cold in Frostpunk 2

New London Frostpunk 2
Credit: 11 bit studios

New London Frostpunk 2
Credit: 11 bit studios

In Frostpunk 2, hunger and cold are two major problems in your region that can cause diseases, reduced population growth, and even death if not properly managed. As your city grows, you will experience an increase in external threats such as whiteouts, so providing food and regulating heat becomes more challenging.

Hunger and cold can disrupt your city’s operations, making it essential to address these issues swiftly to prevent bigger problems. This guide outlines key strategies to effectively reduce hunger and cold, ensuring your city's survival in Frostpunk 2.

How to Decrease Hunger

Hunger occurs when your city’s food production falls short of the population's needs, leading to food shortages. These shortages can result in increased sickness and unrest among the people. If left unchecked, hunger will significantly impact the workforce's productivity. To prevent it from escalating into a crisis, it’s crucial to maintain a careful balance between food production and consumption.

Build and Expand Food Districts

To tackle hunger in Frostpunk 2, focus on managing your Food Districts. These districts supply the food for your people. You can boost their output by placing them strategically. For example, placing your Food Districts on fertile or food-producing tiles will give you the best results. As your city grows, build more districts to ensure there is enough food to sustain the increasing population.

Research Food Production Technologies

Looking for technologies that enhance food production is crucial to optimize your food resources. Some innovations, like Hothouses and Advanced Hothouses, can be constructed within Food Districts to increase yields.

Technologies such as Food Production Efficiency also help ease the pressure of food scarcity by increasing production efficiency. Other features, such as Emergency Shifts, force food districts to produce more food at the cost of increasing tension or disease.

Implement Food-Related Laws

Council Frostpunk 2
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Some laws in Frostpunk 2 can temporarily boost food production when facing famine. Laws like Food Additives allow players to get more food. These laws can be helpful in managing hunger during certain times but should not be relied on for long-term use as they can have negative impacts.

Explore Frostland for Additional Food Resources

Exploration is an essential way of increasing your food supply. You can find food stashes and harvestable areas by sending Frostland Teams to scout nearby areas. Setting up a food colony or mining resources from the food-rich regions in Frostland can solve the food shortage problem in your city.

How to Decrease Cold

Cold in Frostpunk 2 refers to the absence of heat and the inability to provide your people with the necessary conditions to protect them from freezing environments.

When the city’s heat demands are not met, cold becomes a big problem, leading to high incidences of diseases, tension, and low birth rates. To prevent such disastrous outcomes, raise heat production and guarantee adequate shelter for your people.

Increase Heat Production with Extraction Districts

Extraction Destrict Frostpunk 2
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Heat in Frostpunk 2 is produced by the central generator, which uses fuel to warm the city up. To address the rising heat requirements of the population, Extraction Districts must be constructed on coal or oil tiles. These districts supply the raw material that is required to feed the generator.

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Upgrade the Generator for Greater Efficiency

It is important to upgrade your generator to control heat in your city. Researching advancements such as Generator Upgrade II and Generator Upgrade III increase the efficiency of fuel burning and switch to abundant fuel resources like oil. These upgrades also make the generator’s Overdrive feature safer, which is essential during extreme cold events like whiteouts.

Research Heat-Related Technologies

Research Idea Frostpunk 2
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The tech tree provides several methods to lower the city's heat demand. Technologies like Housing Insulation and Food Energy Efficiency help reduce the heat needed to warm your districts. Building Heat Dispatchers and Heating Hubs with the help of Heatstamps also lets you heat more districts while using less fuel.

Expand Shelter Capacity to Reduce Cold Exposure

Cold in Frostpunk 2 becomes more challenging as population density rises and shelter becomes limited. To protect your citizens from harsh weather, it's essential to build and expand Housing Districts as the population grows. Researching upgrades like Housing Blocks and Worker’s Housing further increases housing capacity, ensuring your citizens stay safe and warm.

Use Generator Overdrive in Emergencies

In extreme cold events like whiteouts, you can increase heat production by switching on the generator’s overdrive. This gives a short-term heat boost but can also burn out the generator if used for an extended period. Generator Overdrive is a powerful way of keeping your city warm during certain times, but you should not rely on it in the long run.

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