How to Get Over Ranked Anxiety in League of Legends

How to Get Over Ranked Anxiety in League of Legends?

How to Get Over Ranked Anxiety in League of Legends?

League of Legends is a highly competitive game that can bring both excitement and anxiety to players, especially when it comes to ranked matches. Many summoners find themselves hesitating to queue up for ranked games due to the fear of losing LP, facing toxic teammates, or not performing well.

This phenomenon, known as ranked anxiety, can hinder a player's growth and enjoyment of the game. However, with the right mindset and strategies, it's possible to overcome this fear and thrive in the competitive environment. While some players might consider LoL boosting as a shortcut to higher ranks, it's important to remember that true growth comes from personal improvement and facing challenges head-on.

In this guide, we'll explore effective ways to conquer ranked anxiety and become more confident in your LoL ranked journey.

Changing Your Perspective on Ranked Games

Ranked anxiety in League of Legends stems from various factors, including the fear of failure, pressure to perform well, and concern about negative reactions from teammates. It's crucial to recognize that these feelings are normal and experienced by many players, even those at higher ranks. Understanding the root causes of your anxiety is the first step towards overcoming it.

One effective way to reduce ranked anxiety is to shift your mindset about the nature of ranked matches. Remember that ranked games follow the same Summoner’s Rift rules and mechanics as normal games. The only significant difference is the LP gain or loss at the end. Try to view ranked matches as opportunities for growth and implementation of strategies you've practiced in normal games.

Instead of fixating solely on wins and losses, concentrate on the learning process and your individual performance. This approach can help alleviate stress and make ranked games more enjoyable. Set personal goals for each match, such as improving your CS, map awareness, or trading in lane. By doing so, you'll have something positive to take away from each game, regardless of the outcome.

Setting Goals and Managing Your Mindset

Establishing clear, attainable goals for every ranked game can provide focus and reduce anxiety. These goals could be as simple as maintaining a good farm throughout the game or executing a specific strategy against your lane opponent. As you achieve these smaller objectives, your confidence will grow, and ranked matches will feel less daunting.

It's essential to maintain a positive attitude throughout the match, even when things don't go as planned. Avoid dwelling on mistakes or getting tilted by toxic teammates. Instead, focus on what you can control and how you can contribute to turning the game around. Remember that comebacks are always possible in League of Legends.

Your physical state can significantly impact your mental state during ranked games. Ensure you're comfortable before queuing up – consider factors like room temperature, hydration, and even background music. Taking deep breaths or short breaks between games can also help reset your mindset and reduce anxiety.

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Embracing the Learning Process

Losing is an inevitable part of any competitive game. Instead of fearing losses, try to view them as valuable learning experiences. Analyze your gameplay after each match, identifying areas for improvement. This proactive approach can transform losses from sources of anxiety into stepping stones for growth.

Pay attention to your progress over time rather than fixating on individual game outcomes. Celebrate small improvements in your skills, decision-making, and game knowledge. This long-term perspective can help alleviate the pressure of short-term results and keep you motivated to continue playing and improving.

Consider recording your games or using replay features to review your gameplay objectively. This can help you identify patterns in your play style, both positive and negative, and give you concrete areas to work on. Sharing these replays with more experienced players or coaches can also provide valuable insights and tips for improvement.


By implementing these strategies and maintaining a growth-oriented mindset, you can gradually overcome ranked anxiety in League of Legends. Remember, the journey to improvement is just as important as the destination. Stay focused on your personal growth, and you'll find yourself not only conquering your fears but also climbing the ranked ladder with newfound confidence. Embrace each game as an opportunity to learn and improve, and you'll soon find that ranked matches become an exciting challenge rather than a source of anxiety.

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