Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: How To Solve Cloud Atlas Puzzle

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Credit: Machine Games

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Credit: Machine Games

The Cloud Atlas Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is a clever challenge tucked away in the Gizeh desert.

It mixes weather logs and numerical codes to unlock a chest with useful rewards.

This guide will walk you through the steps to crack the code and easily claim your prize.

How To Solve Cloud Atlas Puzzle

The Cloud Atlas Puzzle can be found at the Meteorological Station in Gizeh, situated in the Gizeh desert.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle screenshot
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Credit: Machine Games

A few tin shacks stand out in the area, which can be accessed by the main road from the Workers’ Camp. Keep an eye out for patrols as you travel.

When you enter the station, you’ll find a locked chest and two important files on a table: the Cloud Status Logbook and the Cloud Atlas Page.

You need both to solve the puzzle. The Cloud Status Logbook records clouds at different times.

Some entries are easy to read, but others are smudged, so you'll need to guess the missing parts.

When it hits 13.10, 09.10, 16.10, and 14.10, these cloud types show up:

  • 13.10: Cirrus
  • 09.10: Stratus
  • 16.10: Cirrus
  • 14.10: Cumulonimbus

The second document, the Cloud Atlas Page, allows you to match cloud types to numbers.

It has a list of clouds and the numbers that go with them.

  • Cirrus = 0
  • Stratus = 6
  • Cumulonimbus = 9

If you combine the information from both documents, you can determine the code for the locked chest by swapping each cloud type with its number.

This gives you the combination 0609. After obtaining the code, walk up to the chest and enter 0609.

The lock will disengage so that you can grab the rewards inside.

The chest contains the Gizeh Medicine Map, a helpful guide to the location of all the medicine bottles in Gizeh.

When you trade them at a medic vendor, these bottles help pump up Indy's health and stamina.

The chest is also stocked with cash, so you can buy whatever you need on your journey.

What’s the most rewarding puzzle you’ve solved in the game so far?

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