Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: How To Solve the House of God Puzzle Box

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Credit: Machine Games

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Credit: Machine Games

The House of God puzzle box in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is a quick but rewarding challenge tucked away in the Vatican.

If you’re unsure how to find or solve its hidden compartments, this guide will walk you through everything step by step.

How To Solve the House of God Puzzle Box

To crack the House of God puzzle box in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, you must first uncover it inside the Apostolic Palace, a restricted section of Vatican City.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle screenshot
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Credit: Machine Games

The puzzle is a replica of St. Peter’s Basilica. It contains compartments that must be opened in a certain order.

Head over to the Belvedere Courtyard to start this challenge.

Look for scaffolding behind a large propaganda poster or the stage being constructed by the Blackshirts.

Stay sharp if you’re not wearing a disguise; patrols are about.

Use your whip to get up the scaffolding, but a guard might be waiting as you go up.

Handle them without a fuss, or just shove them out of the way to keep going.
Keep climbing, and you’ll come across an open window.

Enter to find a hallway that takes you to the Basilica replica.

Your journal lists the puzzle box as a "Mystery." It is located in the second-floor art gallery room.

Take the Cleaning Note from the top of the box before interacting with it.

This note suggests hidden compartments inside the replica and officially records the House of God mystery in your journal.

The puzzle requires manipulating a lever on the front of the replica to unlock the compartments in a set sequence.

Start by sliding the lever to the right, which will open a compartment on the left side of the box.

Look inside this compartment and take the Relief Medallion stored there. Head back to the lever and push it to the left.

This shuts the left compartment and opens up one on the right. Put the Relief Medallion in the slot inside the right compartment.

After putting the medallion down, slide the lever to the right. Doing this will unlock another hidden compartment on the bottom left of the box.

Inside, you will find a golden chalice. Pick up the chalice and place it in the square groove on the front of the Basilica replica.

This gets the last mechanism going, unlocking the main compartment at the bottom of the puzzle box.

After solving the puzzle, you will receive the Vatican Relics Exploration Book. This key item shows the relic locations on your Vatican map.

This gets you closer to finishing the Riddles of the Ancients quest and finding hidden loot.

As a bonus, solving the puzzle also earns you 100 Adventure Points, which can be used to unlock skills.

Which relics or rewards from the Vatican Relics Exploration Book are you most eager to find?

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