Life Is Strange: Double Exposure - How To Get Vinh’s Phone Passcode

Life Is Strange: Double Exposure screenshot
Credit: Deck Nine

Life Is Strange: Double Exposure screenshot
Credit: Deck Nine

Life Is Strange: Double Exposure explores the secrets linked to Safi's death. Vinh is known for collecting rumors and being involved in secretive dealings, which makes him a prime suspect.

The contents of his phone may provide essential insights into what happened before Safi's death. This article will spill the secrets of getting Vinh’s phone passcode.

How To Get Vinh’s Phone Passcode in Life Is Strange: Double Exposure

Vinh is portrayed as a somewhat secretive and suspicious individual, especially in Chapter 2, where his behavior around his phone raises red flags.

Life Is Strange: Double Exposure screenshot
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Credit: Deck Nine

You'll need to gather clues to unlock Vinh’s phone in Life Is Strange: Double Exposure. You first need to find Vinh in his office in the Living World. He’s indulging in day drinks, and you can either join him or skip the shot.

If you sit down, it opens up more conversation, and Vinh starts to reveal details about his personal life and current state of mind. You have two options for unlocking his phone.

Max can ask for help in the Dead World by using a favor Vinh owes her (if you previously helped him deliver his package in Chapter 1), and he will give you the passcode directly.

However, if you haven’t earned the favor or want to save it, you can figure out the passcode by investigating the Living World.

Vinh will note that he can't remember his phone passcode because of his hangover, but he hints it has something to do with the year a magician-scientist passed away.

You need to switch over to the Dead World and talk to Vinh again. He will then reveal the scientist’s name, Jack Parsons, but he refuses to give the full details.

To discover more, head to the library and search for the book History of the Occult. In there, you’ll uncover that Parsons’ death occurred in 1952.

After you find the code, head back to Vinh's office in the Living World. You’ll find that while Vinh isn’t around, his phone is still on the desk. Unlock it by entering the passcode 1952.

Either way, unlocking the phone brings you closer to unraveling the mystery surrounding Vinh’s involvement in the larger narrative.

What clues did you find most intriguing while trying to unlock Vinh’s phone? Comment down below!

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