Minecraft 1.21 update - everything you need to know

A compiled image of some of the Minecraft 1.21 features.
Credit: Mojang

A compiled image of some of the Minecraft 1.21 features.
Credit: Mojang

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Back in October 2023, it was announced that the Minecraft 1.21 update would be coming this year, making a lot of players excited. You can check out this Minecraft 1.21 update release hub that we'll continue to update once new information comes in.

From new structures, and block variants, to mobs, the upcoming update has quite a lot in store so far for players. Recent snapshots and previews have given players glimpses of what to expect from this update.

Before we get into it, be sure to check out our other Minecraft content such as Minecraft Path of the Jedi Star Wars DLC reveal and how to get pottery shards in Minecraft.

An image of the copper and tuff blocks in Minecraft.
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Credit: Mojang

Minecraft 1.21 update release date estimate

While there is no specific release date yet, the Minecraft Live 2023 Recap has indicated an estimated date for this update. Players are expected to see the new features that come with Minecraft 1.21 midway through 2024 which is around June to July. Hopefully, in the coming months, we'll get a more specific date for this release.

Additional Block Variants

Like in every major Minecraft update, new block variants are gradually being added to Minecraft. This upcoming update features the copper and tuff block variants which are found in one of the upcoming naturally generating structures the game will have.

Similarly, Trial Spawners and Crafters will also be added. The trial spawner is perfect for creative building, especially for those who want to make their own challenges in-game. As the name suggests, the Trial Spawner produces mobs based on how many players are within the structure and block types around it. For the Crafter, this functional block makes the crafting process more convenient, cutting down your crafting period.

An image of the Trial Chamber in Minecraft.
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Credit: Mojang

Additional Structures

Besides the blocks, of course, the developers won't miss out on adding new structures to further expand Minecraft's world. This update will feature the Trial Chambers. As seen in its name, it complements the Trial Spawners. Made out of copper and tuff blocks, these chambers provide trial keys, items such as potions and highly coveted items such as pearls and treasures. This will certainly make your gaming sessions more interesting.

An image of the Breeze in Minecraft.
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Credit: Mojang
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Minecraft update 1.21 mobs

Last are the mobs. In the 1.21 update, players will be adding both a hostile and peaceful mob to discover on their adventures. First is the Breeze. Spawned by Trial Spawner blocks, this mob is highly mobile through their wind. It attacks players with its wind projectiles, smacking players into the air and putting them more at risk of fall damage.

An image of the armadillo in Minecraft.
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Credit: Mojang

Then we have the armadillo which won through the 2023 Mob Vote. Being pitted against the crabs and penguins, these adorable creatures have secured their spot as the new mob to be added. As a passive mob, this creature curls up into its ball-like shell in response to undead mobs and sprinting or mounted players.

That wraps up this Minecraft 1.21 update release hub for now. But do make sure to check this article regularly for developments on additional features that will be added in-game.

While you're waiting for the update, you can check out our other Minecraft articles such as our Minecraft 1.20 Patch notes and guide on how to switch teams in Minecraft Legends.

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