Overwatch 2 Tier List (May 2024) - Best tank, support, DPS, and team comps

Overwatch 2 heroes, Sojourn, Mercy, Tracer, and Genji
Credit: Overwatch 2 heroes

Overwatch 2 heroes, Sojourn, Mercy, Tracer, and Genji
Credit: Overwatch 2 heroes
May 6, 2024 - We've updated our Overwatch 2 heroes ranking now that the new DPS Venture has been released.

Overwatch 2 has added a new DPS hero to its roster, so we've had a look at our Overwatch 2 tier list. Knowing your comps and counters is a necessary reference for anyone looking to rank well. Though this tier list and ranking is largely opinion-based and rarely backed up with concrete evidence, aggregated tier lists are the most reliable sources of Overwatch 2 best pick advice.

So now that there have been significant changes to heroes, it's time to crack out the tier list and see who comes to the top of the charts in each category. With Season 8 out now, and with millions playing each day, there's enough data out there to work out a solid tier list standing.

Are you interested in more Overwatch 2 content? If you're a support main, you should definitely check out our support heroes tier list, as well as our Kiriko guide. Alternatively, if you're a World of Warcraft fan, then check out our hub on World of Warcraft: Dragonflight for more information on the game's expansion.

Overwatch 2 tier list - Best general picks (May 2024)

Now let it be known - tier lists like these represent the current meta and pick rates and are largely down to opinion and playstyle. If you're a Genji main who can unleash hell, or you absolutely detest playing as Kiriko, that's perfectly fine!

There are some here that are calling for reworks, and both Sombra and Roadhog received reworks in Season 7 Rise of Darkness. But ultimately, it all comes down to preference and who you excel with the most. So with that being said, let's take a closer look at our ranking.

Overwatch 2 tier list


Tracer – Damage
Lucio – Support
Junker Queen – Tank
Soldier 76 – Damage
Mercy – Support


Orisa – Tank
Ashe – Damage
Sigma – Tank
D.Va – Tank
Sojourn – Damage
Reinhardt – Tank
Ana – Support
Genji – Damage
Cassidy – Damage


Zarya – Tank
Kiriko – Support
Sombra – Damage
Reaper – Damage
Moira – Support
Winston – Tank
Eco – Damage
Baptiste – Support


Symmetra – Damage
Widowmaker – Damage
Roadhog – Tank
Brigette – Support
Doomfist – Tank
Mei – Damage
Bastion – Damage
Venture - Damage


Zenyatta – Support
Pharah – Damage
Wrecking Ball – Tank
Sojourn – Support
Junkrat – Damage
Ramattra Overwatch 2 tank hero
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Overwatch 2 tier list - Best tanks

Ramattra, Orisa
Reinhardt, D.Va, Sigma
Junker Queen, Winston
Zarya, Doomfist,
Roadhog, Wrecking Ball

Since Ramattra appeared in the roster during Season 2 he's been an almost unstoppable force. He quite literally packs a punch, and his ultimate is one of the most terrifying in the game. Orisa is on par with him, however, as the robotic warhorse can run through squads with shocking ease.

Reinhardt, D.Va, and Sigma are all still strong contenders in the tank lineup, each with their own unique perks. D.Va's bomb ultimate can still be utterly devastating, as can a well-timed Rein shatter, and Sigma's ult can disrupt an entire round of play, plus he can absolutely annihilate squishies given the opportunity.

On the lower end of the ranking, however, we can see heroes that feel a little dated in the current Overwatch 2 meta, particularly dive favourites like Winston and especially Doomfist. Plus, Wrecking Ball is incredibly weak thanks to Sombra hacks, Cassidy grenades, Mei freeze, and a whole host of other counters. Tanks with the most movement seem to be the ones that feel stuck, ironically.

Venture is a damage character who ranks highly on our Overwatch 2 heroes tier list
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Credit: Blizzard
Venture in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 tier list - Best support

Kiriko, Ana,
Baptiste, Illari, Moira
Mercy, Zenyatta, Lifeweaver, Lúcio

Both Kiriko and Ana have been top of the pick for quite some time, and it proves that both old and new characters can be just as useful. The newest support character, Illari, is sitting quite high in our ranking thanks to her healing turret and oppressive ultimate, Captive Sun.

Brigitte remains the weakest, not because her kit isn't good, but because players aren't entirely sure how to play her in the most effective way. We go into a lot more detail on these picks in our support heroes tier list, so be sure to check it out and see where you're favourite ranks!

Ashe, a DPS hero in Overwatch 2, ranks highly in our tier list
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Ashe in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 tier list - Best DPS

Sojourn, Ashe, Junkrat
Soldier: 76, Mei, Hanzo
Tracer, Widowmaker, Echo, Venture
Sombra, Bastion, Pharah, Reaper, Torbjörn, Symmetra
Cassidy, Genji

Sojourn has always been a strong DPS contender thanks to her ability to shred through airborne enemies and those on the ground in quick succession. Ashe is great in the front and backlines, and her B.O.B ultimate can absolutely decimate enemy teams as much as a well-placed Junkrat Riptire can.

Soldier has always been a solid pick, especially for new players, but there's a whole host of DPS heroes that are entirely situational or depend on the team comp. For instance, Pharah more times than not needs a steady Mercy pocket, and both Torb and Symmetra rely a little too heavily on their turrets instead of getting into the fray themselves.

Although insanely powerful, Genji and Cassidy still rate low on our ranking. This is due to a relatively high skill ceiling, and your Genji and Cassidy randoms will most often not be able to use them effectively, making them more of a hindrance than a help.

Overwatch 2 team comps

This comp is a perfect combination of ranged and up-close. Ramattra, Junkrat, and Moira can be up-front, and both Ashe and Ana can support from the backlines, protecting point.
Soldier: 76
This comp is the epitome of running and gunning. A near constant stream of bullets thanks to Orisa, Solider, and Sojourn, with a speed-boosting Lúcio can put your enemies on the backfoot right from the off. Paired with a Kiriko dealing out the heals and temporary immortality, and they're unstoppable.
A Rein/Ana combo is always a winner, and with the tank shield Bastion is free to deal out a crazy amount of damage. Paired with a Pharah-Mercy providing aerial distraction, it's a great defensive comp, as it splits the enemy team's focus.
Soldier: 76
This comp is all about mobility and the perk of being completely unpredictable. It takes quite a bit of team synergy, but when it works, it works. Both supports can get up close and personal but fall back when needed, D.Va can be a menace to deal with, as can Sombra, and Soldier:76 can pick enemies off when they're turning in circles distracted by the others.
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Again, these comps are all ultimately down to team synergy and whether they work effectively against the enemy team. This brings us to the contentious topic of counter-picking.

What are the best counterpicks for Overwatch Season 10?

Overwatch 2 has a huge roster of heroes to choose from, and one of the best ways to ensure victory is to know when, and who, to counter-pick. So we'll list out some of the more annoying characters to play against and explain how to counter them effectively.


D.Va actually has quite a few counters, particularly from the DPS roster. Mei, Sombra, Cassidy, and Symmetra are all solid counters for this airborne tank. Mei and Cassidy can both slow and ground D.VA quite effectively, Symmetra's turrets can't be sucked into D.Va's defence matrix, and Sombra can straight up hack D.Va out of the air.


One of the most effective counters to Genji actually comes in the form of a support hero. Moira can put the sword master in his place, as he can't deflect any of her attacks, and she has almost equal mobility thanks to her fade. The same can be said for Symmetra and Zarya, as Genji can't deflect a beam of damage.


A Pharah raining hell from above can be an absolute menace, particularly if they have a pocket Mercy protecting them. One of the best counters for Pharah, and to be fair any flying character like D.Va or Echo, is bullets, bullets, and more bullets. Soldier: 76, Sojourn, and Bastion are all great aerial defence characters, as they can melt through both Pharah and Mercy with ease.


Arguably one of the best counter picks for Sombra is Hanzo. His recon arrow can reveal her position, even when cloaked, and the one-shot potential is always huge. Kiriko is also a surprisingly good counter to the hacker, as her Protection Suzu can give her another chance to land a high-damage kunai headshot. Same for any turret character, like Symmetra or Torb, because Sombras are forced to engage turrets first.

Wrecking Ball

One of the most annoying tanks to go against, Wrecking Ball can sometimes feel totally invincible and in a hundred places at once. However, there are plenty of counters for him. Anyone with a slowing ability, like Mei or Cassidy's grenade, can work wonders against Wrecking Ball. Paired with characters who can dish out the damage, such as Orisa and Bastion, you can send that hamster back to his cage.

But there you have it, that's our Overwatch 2 heroes tier list. We'll keep this article updated with the meta, as we're looking forward to Season 7 Rise of Darkness. But if you like other Blizzard games, you might be interested in our Diablo 4 tips for beginners, especially since there's a whole load of new Diablo-themed skins coming in this new Overwatch 2 season, so be sure to check out everything we know on Season 7 Rise of Darkness for info on hero reworks and new maps!

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