Palworld patch notes

Palworld player approaching Pal with lake, forest and flowers in background
Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

Palworld player approaching Pal with lake, forest and flowers in background
Credit: Pocket Pair Inc

On the hunt for the Palworld patch notes? We've got you covered. With its popularity showing no signs of slowing down, Pocket Pair Inc continues to address various issues with the game.

Palworld has taken the world by storm. The survival creature-capture title contains everything ranging from a Paldeck full of Pals to base-building where you can even assign Pals jobs to do while you explore the vast map. As with all games, encountering a bug or a glitch is hugely frustrating.

But, before we take a closer look at the Palworld patch notes, take a look at our guides showcasing how to craft Gunpowder and all of the Legendary Pals available to catch.

Palworld update patch notes

On January 25, 2024, Pocket Pair Inc. shared the latest wave of changes that have arrived in Palworld. Here's a closer look at what update has in store:

Main changes

  • Fixed a bug where the loading screen did not end when logging into the world
  • Fixed a bug where the world date was not displayed correctly and appeared to reset.
  • Corrected various incorrect text
  • Countermeasures against various cheats and exploits

Although it's a small update, these changes are bound to enhance Palworld's gameplay even further which is great news if you're encountering any of the issues listed above.

It's especially good for the eight million players who are already sharing their concerns surrounding the difficulty of stopping any cheaters that could gain an unfair advantage when PvP capabilities arrive.

The Palworld roadmap already detailed plenty of features and improvements making their way to the game in the near future. Update is certainly a start and players can expect more updates with multiple changes to continue.

Despite it only featuring four adjustments, the little and often updates to Palworld from Pocket Pair Inc. are preventing any major issues from hindering players who are thoroughly enjoying what Palworld has to offer.

There you have it, that's all there is to know about the Palworld patch notes. For more, check out our guides revealing how to get Horns and the best Pals for mining resources.

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