How to make Cement in Palworld

palworld advanced furnaces and pals carrying materials built with cement

palworld advanced furnaces and pals carrying materials built with cement

Wooden structures combined with stone are nice at the beginning of your base-building journey. However, as your level increases and as the threat of raids increases, you need base structures that can withstand more damage and hold up against enemies. This is where crafting Cement in Palworld comes into play.

Not only is cement excellent for building defensive structures, but it's also important in building advanced production facilities that you will need if you plan on crafting high-tier items such as Refined Ingots and Guns. So let's take a look at how you can ensure a steady supply of Cement in Palworld.

While you're here also check our guide on farming Coal and how you can build a ranch.

palworld unlocking cement for crafting
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How to craft Cement in Palworld

Before you can craft Cement you first need to unlock it with Technology Points once you reach level 19.

Once you have it unlocked you're going to need three key ingredients.

Out of these, the hardest to find might be bones. Early in the game bones will only drop from a Pal named Rushoar. Here are all the Rushoar spawn locations in Palworld.

palword rushoar all spawn locations for bone farm for cement
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Once you have all your materials, head to the Advanced Workbench and put in your orders of Cement. Each order will give you 10x Cement.

palworld crafting cement to use
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Cement uses in Palworld

As we mentioned earlier, Cement has lots of uses when building advanced structures in Palworld. Defensive Walls in particular require a lot of Cement if you want to make your base fireproof.

palworld cement use in crafting stone defensive wall
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There are tons of other essential uses for Cement including:

  • Assembly Lines
  • Plant Pot
  • Refined Furnace
  • Hyper Pal Spheres

That's all you need to know about making Cement in Palworld and how it can be used. For more guides, also learn how to craft Gunpowder and how to get High-Quality Pal Oil.

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