Pokemon Scarlet and Violet History answers - Midterm and Final exam

Ms. Raifort from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's History class.

Ms. Raifort from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's History class.
February 28, 2023: Ace the exams with the history answers for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet!

Knowing the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet history answers as you head into class can help ensure you get some great rewards from the Naranja Academy lessons you choose to go to.

With the Treasure Hunt kicking off before your first full lesson, you might not think it's worth going back to learn from your professors - but it is. By just giving some simple answers, you can get some rare rewards to help you in your journey. And it doesn't take long.

For more on the latest generation of Pokemon, check out our guide on the best Pokemon Scarlet and Violet EXP farm locations. You'll be training up a team in no time there, and getting the evolutions needed to help you farm shiny Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet with the Shiny Charm as well.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet History answers

  • Class One - Treasure.
  • Class Two - About 2,000 years ago.
  • Class Three - About eight hundred years ago.
  • Class Four - Wooden planks for writing on.
  • Class Five - The Area Zero Expedition
  • Class Six - Professor Sada/Turo

Getting your history answers right in each class doesn't matter. You just need to remember them for the exams that come later.

There are two exams you take as you complete all six History classes, with the answers for each being those from Class 1-3 and 4-6. So long as you get the majority of them right, you'll progress toward the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet History lesson rewards.

While you're taking classes or taking the Midterm and Final exam, just refer to the table above for the answer. Match the question on the left and you'll see the answer on the right.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet History Midterm answers

For your first History exam, you just need to answer three of the five questions right. Pass the exam and you'll get five Exp. Candies S as a reward. Here are all five correct answers:

  • Q1 = A) The Great Crater of Paldea.
  • Q2 = C) Treasure.
  • Q3 = B) Approximately 2,000 years ago.
  • Q4 = A) 805 years ago.
  • Q5 = C) Knowledge.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet History Final answers

For the History final, you need to get four out of the five questions correct to pass. That's one more than the midterm. Check out the History final answers below to ace it and get five Exp. Candies M for your efforts:

  • Q1 = B) Area Zero.
  • Q2 = A) 805 years ago.
  • Q3 = B) A folding fan.
  • Q4 = C) Heath.
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  • Q5 = C) 10 years ago.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet History lesson rewards

Once you've completed all the history classes and exams, speak to Ms. Raifort one last time in the staff room to max out your bond with her.

For passing her class with flying colours and just being an overall good student, she'll mark the Mysterious Shrines on your map. These are connected to the Mysterious Stakes you might have found around Paldea already.

For the rest of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet class rewards, just click that link. Decide your next class through it and then use the list below to find the answers.

For more guides, check out how to get Leftovers in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. They're an essential competitive item for bulky Pokemon. And if you're struggling with high up creatures, here's how to target Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet as well.

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