Predecessor roles explained

predecessor key art 5v5 roles

predecessor key art 5v5 roles

Predecessor is one of the latest most anticipated MOBA titles that combines the incredibly popular genre with FPS gameplay for a unique and fresh new experience. If you were familiar with or a fan of Paragon, then Predecessor will scratch that itch as it serves as a remake of the original game. Today, we'll be taking a look at all the Predecessor roles and lanes.

Predecessor aims to innovate and improve on the original Paragon formula, which was already quite popular. However, what we've wanted to know is how much of the standard 5v5 formula they've tinkered with and what we should expect. So here's a breakdown of all the Predecessor roles and lanes.

You might be interested in learning that Predecessor is our Indie Game of the Month, and we'll be doing a breakdown for all its upcoming DLC.

All Predecessor roles explained

Predecessor is a standard 5v5 MOBA game, and the roles will be split into 5 different categories.

  • Solo/Offlane
  • Midlaner
  • Jungler
  • Carry
  • Support

Each of these roles will play in their respective lanes.

predecessor roles map and all lanes
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As you can see, there are a total of three lanes with the jungle in the middle. This is a pretty standard MOBA setup similar to League of Legends. The Solo/Offlane goes to the top lane, and the Carry and Support go to the bottom duo lane. Naturally, the other two roles go for their namesake lanes.

Now, let's go over a breakdown of every role and its active responsibilities during a game.


As the Carry, you will be the team's primary physical damage threat. However, you will initially start quite weak and be reliant on gold and levels to scale up. This means that the carry is a role heavily reliant on resources such as Gold and XP to quickly try and outscale everyone else in the game. However, if you're left behind, you'll make for easy pickings with barely any way to fight back.

predecessor roles carry marksman character
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The majority of Carry champions will be ranged physical damage dealers that come under the Marksman archetype. However, there are some exceptions that play as melee carries, such as Serath, Yin, and WuKong. Those who want to help their team out with non-physical DPS can pick Caster Carries, such as Howitzer, Bellica, and Fey.

As a Carry, you'll be quite squishy and easy to kill, so you want to prioritise your own survival the most and retreat from dangerous situations quickly. The majority of your time should be spent on farming Gold to get your items as quickly and efficiently as possible.


The Support is meant to be played in the Duo lane alongside the Carry to make up for the Carry's shortcomings early on. As a Support, you'll have access to crowd control or utility, which will let you protect allies, lock down hostiles or initiate and retreat from fights.

predecessor active combat in front of nexus
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You will also be responsible for keeping up vision control on your team's behalf. You'll have to ward defensively or focus on destroying enemy wards to get vision control. Do this during laning to defend from ganks and ward objectives during the midgame to retain objective and jungle control.

As a Support, you might play ranged or melee. Some supports are capable of dealing respectable damage, while others are scary purely due to the utility they provide. Early on, you need to protect the Carry, but later in the game, focus on rotating around the map and helping out your team. While the role might seem thankless, it has a major impact on the game on par with the Jungler in terms of macro plays.


Solo/Offlane characters play in the Offlane, in what's usually an isolated 1v1 format that favours tanks, fighters, and bruiser-type characters. Offlaners are expected to be self-reliant players who can dominate a 1v1 or survive a 1v2 on their own while being isolated from their team.

predecessor roles offlane character running
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Later in the game, they're usually engaging or front-lining for their team in team fights wherever necessary. An Offlane who is dominating their lane can become an unstoppable threat. Naturally, you don't want your opponent getting too far ahead, as it would let them steamroll your team.


The Midlaner plays in the Midlane, which is another 1v1 lane but less isolated than the Offlane. Midlaners generally play Caster Champions, but some Fighters and Assassins tend to make good Midlaners as well.

predecessor standing in solo lane
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The Midlane is the shortest lane with the closest proximity to all the other lanes. This proximity means that getting priority in your lane by shoving the wave gives you the agency to help out the other lanes. However, it also leaves you vulnerable to ganks from all the other lanes.

As a Midlaner you want to get lane priority and rotate to get ahead during the laning phase. Then you'll have to initiate, poke and deal AoE damage during team fights in the late game.


Lastly, we have the Jungler, the role most reliant on game sense and macro plays. As a Jungler, you gain XP and Gold by killing Jungle camps in the neutral territory away from lanes. While you can farm from lanes, there is an XP and Gold penalty that makes this undesirable.

predecessor combat blue electric shield in jungle
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As such, your primary objective is to learn how to clear your Jungle camps as efficiently as possible while ganking lanes to support your team wherever possible. You are also responsible for playing around and securing Neutral objectives for the rest of your team. Naturally, this requires a lot of specialised macro knowledge both on how to play the role and on how to counter your opposing Jungler.

Jungle has the most diverse roster of playable character types, including Fighters, Assassins, Tanks and even Casters.

That concludes everything you need to know about the roles in Predecessor. For beginners, we suggest the Support and Carry roles as they'll let you learn the game while having someone next to you. Try out each role to figure out what suits you best. Predecessor is Gfinity's December 2023's indie game of the month and you can take a closer look at the game here.

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