How to fix Redfall stuck on loading screen

Multiple characters and a vampire in Redfall

Multiple characters and a vampire in Redfall

The newest game from Arkane Studios has poor optimisation, so this guide will tell you how to fix Redfall stuck on the loading screen. This is one of the most common problems that players encounter when they try to play it.

There are a few things that you can do to fix the issue with the loading screen in Redfall. However, there is no guarantee that they will help you, and you may need to wait for a patch to fix everything.

Multiple characters are looking at the sky in Redfall
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How to fix Redfall stuck on loading screen

Sometimes Redfall gets stuck on the loading screen, endlessly whirring. If such a thing happens, you won’t be able to play the game. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to fix the problem and make the game work.

Try to update the drivers of your graphics card

Redfall is a new game, and whenever you want to play a game that has just been launched, you need to check your drivers - provided you're on PC, of course. If there are any updates, install them. You can do this with the help of the Device Manager on your system.

Use the high-performance mode

This is another thing that may help you get better performance not only in Redfall but also in other games. Go to the System settings menu and click on the Power button. After that, enable the high-performance mode.

Disable different overlays and close all background applications

Overlays and background applications can overload your PC and in this case, its performance will worsen. So, you should close all these apps and disable overlays. Steam has such an overlay, and you can turn it off by doing the next steps:

  • Open the Library.
  • Open the Redfall Properties menu.
  • Open the General tab.
  • Disable Steam overlay.

Turn off antivirus protection

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Some antivirus programs may cause problems with certain video games. Disabling such a program may help you run Redfall. So, try to turn off your antivirus for a couple of minutes and check how your game performs after that.

Update the game

Redfall is a new game that is likely to receive some hotfixes and content updates in the very near future. So, make sure that you have the latest version of the game. You may have missed a patch that might fix the loading screen issue.

Repair damaged files

There is a chance that the game doesn’t work because some files are corrupted. In this case, you will need to use the Verify Integrity of Game Files feature. Just open the Local File menu and you will find this function.

If these methods don’t help you fix the loading screen issue, then the only thing that we can suggest is to simply wait for a hotfix. The game has just been released, and the developers may fix various bugs and glitches in future updates.

If you are looking for more information about this game, feel free to check our guide on whether Redfall is coming to PS4 and PS5. And if you want to read more guides, please check our article on whether Redfall will run on Steam Deck, as well as a list of all enemies in the game.

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