How to get A Real Hero trophy in RoboCop Rogue City

RoboCop holding a telephone with a PlayStation bronze trophy floating nearby
Credit: Teycon

RoboCop holding a telephone with a PlayStation bronze trophy floating nearby
Credit: Teycon

Marching towards the platinum trophy for RoboCop Rogue City? There are some challenging tasks in a list of otherwise easy trophies. In this guide, we'll help you unlock the A Real Hero trophy in RoboCop Rogue City.

It's a trophy that tasks you with breaking away from the usual role of a police officer and saving a cat that's in danger. Only a fool says no to RoboCop, so you won't need to worry about any firefighters getting in your way during the pursuit of justice (and cats).

While you're on the hunt for trophies, check out our other RoboCop Rogue City guides. We can help you get the Good Eyes, Murphy! trophy, change your armour, and reveal how long it takes to beat.

RoboCop in a construction site
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You'll need to stay vigilant to find the cat that needs saving.

How to get A Real Hero trophy in RoboCop Rogue City

To add this bronze trophy to your collection, you'll need to save a cat from a burning hotel. This hotel is found in the 'Cyber Trail' mission that appears just over halfway through the campaign. You'll need to fight through thick smoke and tons of heavily armed enemies, so can safely leave this trophy for the end of the mission if you'd prefer to get rid of the fire before exploring.

Your first opportunity to unlock the A Real Hero trophy comes after busting through several walls and having your path down some stairs blocked by fire. You'll hear the cat meowing, and should turn to open a door in the corner; opening it will free the cat and unlock the trophy.

If you've already turned off the fire and are not sure where the cat is, face the door that prompts you to leave the hotel. Turn around, go up the stairs, and open the first door on the right to free it and become a real hero.

That's everything you need to know about freeing the cat —whose name is Grumpy—and getting the A Real Hero trophy! While you're here, check out our list revealing all of the RoboCop Rogue City's weapons and guide to getting new armour.

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