Starting any new game can be a little confusing in regards to controls and in Stardew Valley, you're thrown into Pelican Town with very little guidance. No doubt you've likely misclicked or accidentally deleted something within the game without realising that's what you were doing. That's why we've put together a guide that shows you all of the PC and console Stardew Valley controls.
Read More: How to fish in Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley Controls
We've listed all of the details for PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PS4 platforms below.
PC Controls
- W: Move Up
- A: Move Left
- S: Move Down
- D: Move Right
- Left Click, C: Use tool or place item
- Right Click, X: Check/Do Action
- Escape, E: Open Menu
- F: Open Journal
- M: Open Map window
- Left Shift: Run
- 1 - 0, Minus, Plus: Inventory hotkeys
- F4: Screenshot mode
Switch Controls
- Left Joystick: Walk; Run
- Right Joystick: Move Cursor
- Plus: Open Menu
- Minus: Open Journal
- A: Check / Do Action / Use Cursor
- Y: Use Tool
- B: Open Menu
- X: Open Crafting Menu
- ZR: Switch Item
- R/L: Shift Toolbar
Xbox Controls
- Left Joystick: Walk; Run
- Right Joystick: Move Cursor
- Start: Open Menu
- Back: Open Journal
- A: Check / Do Action / Use Cursor
- X: Use Tool
- B: Open Menu
- Y: Open Crafting Menu
- RT: Switch Item
PS4 Controls
- Left Joystick: Walk; Run
- Right Joystick: Move Cursor
- Start: Open Menu
- Touchpad: Open Journal
- X: Check / Do Action / Use Cursor
- Square: Use Tool
- Circle: Open Menu
- Triangle: Open Crafting Menu
- R2: Switch Item
So there you have it, that's all the Stardew Valley controls on each available platform. If you're just starting out in Stardew Valley, we've put together an extensive character hub as a guide to all the NPCs in the game. We also have guides on how to build a coop so you can maximise profits and be sure to check out how to play a co-op multiplayer game so you can farm with friends!
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