Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - The Ultimate Guide to Scorestreaks

black ops 6 Guide to Scorestreaks
Credit: Activision

black ops 6 Guide to Scorestreaks
Credit: Activision

Scorestreaks play a crucial role in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. These rewards are earned through consistent performance and can influence the outcome of a match. Unlike killstreaks, which reset upon death, scorestreaks encourage players to focus on objectives and teamwork, adding a layer of strategy that keeps the game exciting and competitive.

If you want to improve, it is essential to understand how scorestreaks work. Scorestreaks offer unique skills and allow you to add equipment to your inventory, which can help you and your team rule over the battlefield. Understanding how to acquire and use scorestreaks efficiently can make it easier to carry out strong attacks or acquire intel on enemy locations.

This guide dives into each aspect of Black Ops 6 Scorestreaks in detail, outlining all available scorestreaks, what to do to acquire them, and how to make the most of them. Rest assured, this article will prepare you for any game that comes your way and support your team’s way toward victory.

What are Scorestreaks?

Scorestreaks are rewards in terms of scores that players receive for playing well and achieving certain things. They can be cashed in for rewards, such as care packages or drones. Unlike killstreaks, this reward system challenges players to play smart, not selfishly.

How to Earn Scorestreaks?

You can get Scorestreaks by performing various actions in the game. Some of them are as follows:

  • Getting Kills and Assists: Each kill gets you a point. Even assists count to some degree whenever you help your teammates gain kills.
  • Playing the Objectives: It gives you points if you complete specific objectives like capturing flags or holding zones.
  • Combos Actions: You get higher scores when you get consecutive kills or complete objects multiple times.

List of Scorestreaks in Black Ops 6

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Here is a list of scorestreaks available in Black Ops 6, along with how many points you need to earn them:

Required Points
Scout Pulse
A radar ping, which always shows nearby enemies on your minimap.
A small remote-controlled car that can explode.
A flying drone that reveals enemy locations on your team’s minimap.
Counter UAV
Scrambles enemy minimaps
Watchdog Helo
Attack enemies using AI-controlled helicopters.
A cruise missile.
Call fighter jets to attack

Tips for Using Scorestreaks

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To get the most out of scorestreaks, use the following tips:

Using Helpful Perks

Equipping oneself with some perks can increase one's chances of earning scorestreaks. For example, 'Scavenger' can help locate more ammunition so that you can fight for a longer time without running out. Similarly, 'Hardline' decreases the number of points that otherwise would have been needed to earn scorestreaks, meaning you can get them faster and more efficiently.

Focusing on Objectives

Rather than trying to clock in kills, try to focus on doing things such as capturing flags or holding zones. These actions allow you to gain more points and help your team win. It is usually much more satisfying to fulfill the objectives rather than running after kills.

Playing Safe Near Big Rewards

If you are on the brink of scoring that powerful score streak, then you have to be extremely cautious about playing since unnecessary risks will bring you death. Staying alive will ensure you a scorestreak and give your teammates leverage on the battlefield.

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Customizing Your Loadout

Your weapons and equipment must be aligned with your scorestreak goals. If you plan to use air support, choose perks that can keep you alive longer, such as the Flak Jacket or Tactical Mask.

Using Early Scorestreaks Wisely

Deploying the scorestreaks you earn in the early stages, such as UAVs and Counter UAVs, will give some momentum to look for bigger-tier rewards. That's very useful information about what is going on with an enemy, and it just keeps your team informed as you disrupt the enemy.

Using scorestreaks such as the RC-XD can help you get kills early on in the game; it’s best to use it in smaller maps as you’ll have a chance to kill more enemies. Try to target spawn areas, especially in games with many enemies.


Getting a hang of scorestreaks in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is important for success in matches. Each scorestreak helps you win as it equips you with special tools. By learning how to earn and use them efficiently, you can enhance your gameplay significantly and guide your team toward a decisive victory on the battlefield. Be it using drones for intel or calling in airstrikes, the smart use of scorestreaks can change the course of your gameplay and the course of a match!

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