Want to know the basics of what Commanders do in World of Tanks? Then this guide is perfect for you.
Managing a tank crew can be daunting, so we'll focus on perhaps the most important of them all. We'll explain why you should focus on Commander training, the perks you'll get, and more.
What are Commanders in World of Tanks?
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Commanders are an essential cog in your machinery, which features other roles like the Driver, Gunner, Loader, and Radio Operator. They feature unique perks to give you an advantage in battle.
Commander perks in World of Tanks
These are the perks that Commanders will give you in World of Tanks:
- Mentor: Increases the amount of XP earned by 10% for all crew members.
- Sound Detection: Issues an alert about enemy SPG fire with a 0.1 s delay and determines the direction of the shot. Activates at the moment of the shot.
- Recon: Increases maximum view range by 2%. If vehicle observation devices are damaged, the effect will increase up to 20%.
- Jack of All Trades: Enables the Commander to replace knocked-out crew members with 50% effectiveness. Only major qualifications can be substituted. The replacement effect diminishes with each crew member knocked out.
- Eagle Eye: Identifies critically damaged modules on targeted vehicles with a 0.5 s delay. This perk is effective in both direct and indirect fire modes.
While not a perk in itself, all Commanders also have a special Sixth Sense feature which allows them to identify whether their vehicle has been spotted by the enemy.
How to activate Commander perks in World of Tanks
To have access to all the perks, you'll need to train their major qualification. Commander training is particularly important because by leveling their major qualification other crew members will get some benefits as well.
For every 10% increase in the Commander's skills, the crew receives a 1% bonus. For example, if the Commander is trained to 50%, the crew gets a 5% bonus, and if trained to 100%, the crew gets a 10% bonus.
When you're recruiting a Commander, you have three major qualification training options:
- Rapid Courses: Free courses, tanker's major qualification is trained to 50%
- Regimental School: A tanker is trained to 75% of their major qualification. It costs 20,000 Credits
- Tank Academy: A crew member is trained to 100%. It costs 20 Gold
Even if you take the free courses, you can level your Commander by using them in combat. The better they and their crew perform, the faster you level them up.
It's also worth noting that reaching a 100% major qualification level is just half the battle, you'll have to train individual perks afterwards. Even having a 1% perk level will start triggering the effects, becoming more powerful the more you train them.
And that's all you need to know about Commanders in World of Tanks! It's an extensive system but once you figure it out you can start getting the best out of them and the rest of your crew.
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