Peridot - Beta Locations, Release Dates, and Latest News

A promo image for Peridot featuring several of its creatures.

A promo image for Peridot featuring several of its creatures.

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March 7, 2023: Peridot's release date has been announced for May 9, 2023!

Fancy going on a cute AR pet collecting spree? If so, then Peridot, an upcoming game from Pokémon Go developer Niantic might be exactly what you’ve been waiting for!

Peridot is set to feature loads of collectable creatures that you can care for and breed. So far it looks like part Pokémon Go and part Tamagotchi, which sounds like a good combo in our book! You can find everything that we know about it so far below.

You can also check out our Pokémon Go content, such as our guides to taking on Tapu Koko and the Season of Alola, plus the latest codes for free outfits and Pokéballs!

Peridot - Release Date

Peridot just had it's release date announced. It's going to be releasing on May 9, 2023! You can pre-register here to receive a notification when the game is available in your country!

When Is the Peridot Beta Start Date?

Like most other mobile games, Peridot is going through a regional launch process as it makes its way to a full global release. Things started off in Malaysia in April, with the game spreading to Singapore at the tail-end of May, 2022. As of August, the game's beta opened in Norway.

Peridot - Latest News

July 8, 2022

Peridots 'Dot-velopers' discuss the upcoming soft launch, and where it might take place.

May 24, 2022

Peridot's beta released in Singapore.

April 21, 2022

Peridot releases in a beta state across Malaysia.

April 15 2022

The latest news on Peridot comes from a recent interview with senior producer Ziah Fogel in The Verge. So far, we know that the premise of the game is that: “After thousands of years of slumber, Peridots are waking to a world vastly different from the one in which they used to roam, and they’ll need your help to protect them from extinction.” These Peridots will all be unique and come with their own DNA, allowing for different variations upon the game’s creature archetypes via breeding.

Also, these creatures aren’t NFTs (yet) and can’t die, freeing you from two possible headaches. Finally, much of the gameplay involves going out in the real world to search for nests and find food for your Peridot, among other activities.

Peridot - Platforms

Currently, Peridot is set to arrive on both Android and iOS. No other platforms have yet been confirmed by Niantic, but make sure you stay tuned so you don’t miss that information if it drops.

Peridot - Latest Trailer

The latest trailer for Peridot can be found here:

This is everything we know about the Peridot release date and what we can expect from the game right now. However, we’ll update this article as soon as we learn any more information. In the meantime, why not check out our Pokémon Go Great League tier list?

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