Do you want to know the latest Jumble answer after trying to solve it on your own for a few hours? While this game is a different take from the original and popular Wordle game, it still offers challenges different from it.
This Jumble guide offers assistance on all four base words and the ever-so-difficult bonus word that is trickier to solve. We also give advice on how to play Jumble with some hints and tips to give you an advantage if you're having problems.
Elsewhere, feel free to check out our Globle country and Who Are Ya player guides for some of the more varied spin-offs from Wordle. Of course, we've also got a Wordle hint guide if you need some help with today's puzzle.
Jumble hints for today
If you are looking to solve Jumble for today, here are some hints that could help you:
HINT 1 - The words start with S, I, M, and F.
HINT 2 - Bonus word for today is a play of words for the word "waste" and combining the phrase meaning not using time properly.
What is today's Jumble answer? (April 16)
The following are the four base words for today's Jumble puzzle:
Cartoon answer bonus word today
The bonus word for this challenge is “WAIST” OF TIME. Be sure to check back tomorrow for the latest batch of answers!
How do I play Jumble?
Jumble works similarly to a lot of other word games like wordle. In it, you have to unscramble four anagrams, comprising of fairly simple words all mixed up. There's no time limit and you have unlimited tries, which makes things more laidback.
First of all, head over to the Jumble website on the Chicago Tribune website, where you can play it entirely for free.
Once you've solved the first four words, there is one bonus word to unscramble. Its letters are made up of the circled letters in previous answers, so you have to think hard to solve it. Luckily, there is a cartoon and limerick that contain clues as to what the target word is. If you're struggling, you can always use them to get you over the line.
How does Jumble work?
Jumble is easier to solve compared to other Wordle spin-offs just base on its mechanics. There are no limits to retrying the game and there is no timer. There is only a stopwatch that lets you track your time in the corner.
Compared to Wordle, there is no game over screen if you ever make a mistake. Instead, you will see the letter will turn red. You can use that to try to solve for the correct sequence within the anagram until it goes to black to show that it is correct.
While it may operate slightly differently from other word games, the chances are you'll find Jumble to be a more laidback alternative if the high-speed competition of Wordle is proving a bit much. You might want to check out today's Wordle answer to get you over the line and keep your streak alive!
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