Following a year-long delay, Jurassic World: Dominion is finally releasing this summer. Though the film acts as a finale for the Chris Pratt-led movies, the franchise's future isn't closed just yet.
In conversation with /Film, Dominion's producer, Frank Marshall, teased what's in store for the sequel. While the forthcoming movie is wrapping up this particular trilogy, a fourth film is certainly possible.
Jurassic World Producer Says More Sequels Are Likely After Dominion
The legendary producer confirms Dominion will close for the Jurassic World trilogy, which began in 2015. But asteroids haven't been flung yet, as the creative team is looking to explore the series more:
I think that 'Dominion's' going to wrap up this trilogy, but we're not resting on our laurels. We're going to sit down, and we're going to see what the future is. We have that wonderful series, 'Camp Cretaceous,' on Netflix. We obviously want to make quality, good movies with great storytelling, great writers and directors, but we're definitely looking to do more in the 'Jurassic' world.
Nowadays, franchises are expanding beyond the classic three-films collection and Jurassic World definitely lays the foundation for this. Camp Cretaceous was one way the world of dinosaurs had spun off while Jurassic World: Evolution adheres to the gaming audience.
Jurassic World: Dominion reunites Chris Pratt with Bryce Dallas Howard, joined by some of the series' classic actors, including Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, and Laura Dern. Dominion is scheduled for release on June 2022.
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