Want to have a higher win rate by using the best champions in Wild Rift? You’ve come to the right place because our updated League of Legends: Wild Rift tier list is the best one available out there. Riot Games, the renowned developers of League of Legends, have consistently released a lot of champions for the mobile version. As such, some players might have a hard time looking for a champion to main in League of Legends: Wild Rift, especially if they don’t play the PC version.
Our Wild Rift tier list provides all the information about the strongest champions in the current meta and ranks them according to their strengths and how they perform in their respective lanes. This is the place to be if you want to learn all about champion performance and how they stack up against each other so you can always have the optimal pick in all of your games.
Looking for more MOBA tier lists? We have a Mobile Legends tier list all updated for Melissa's release, the most recent Arena of Valor tier list, and a Pokémon Unite tier list as well. And if you're trying out the latter's new URF-like mode, you'll want the Pokémon Unite Full Fury tier list as well.
League of Legends: Wild Rift tier list (June 2024)
League of Legends: Wild Rift separates its characters into five different roles: baron (tank), jungler, mid, support, and ADC (damage).
Depending on how they're built throughout a match, many heroes can fit into two or even three of these categories. As such, we've broken the Wild Rift tier list into sub-sections: a general list showcasing the best of the best, as well as individual tier lists for each role.
The best Wild Rift champions - overall tier list
Given unlocking a new champion can be expensive, knowing which few represent the absolute top of the Wild Rift tier list is important.
Not only will you learn how best to spend your currency, but you'll also know, in an instant, who to ban, pick, or look out for on the loading screen. Here are the single best Wild Rift champions right now:
Wild Rift Best Champions
Wild Rift Baron tier list
Wild Rift tier list
Baron lane picks are typically bulky melee tanks designed to duel against a single opponent early on. In the mid-game, these characters emerge as team-protecting monoliths that can linger on the battlefield, harassing those who attempt to shut down the team's carry. Here's how they rank:
Wild Rift Jungle tier list
Wild Rift tier list
Junglers train up in the grassy knolls between lanes, cycling through the beasts within for EXP and helpful buffs. They typically have high mobility and heavy burst damage, enabling them to peek into lanes and punish or chase an enemy that over-extends. Here's how they rank:
Wild Rift Mid tier list
Wild Rift tier list
Mid-lane champions are often mages with good sustained damage potential and decent range. As the match goes on, they become powerful area damage dealers, slinging spells from a safe distance to whittle down the enemy team enough for the carry to sweep up. Here's how they rank:
Wild Rift ADC tier list
Wild Rift tier list
ADC or 'Carry' champions are typically ranged attackers that sit on the dragon lane with a support for backup. They deal heavy amounts of physical or magical damage and often rely on powerful basic attacks to do so. Their power comes with the drawback of middling defences, however. Here's how they rank:
Wild Rift Support tier list
Wild Rift tier list
Support champions live in the carry's shadow, propping them up with heals, mana, or the crowd-control spells needed to let them fly. They're enemy number one in most cases whenever the team battles break out, but by keeping themselves alive, they can keep the team going as well.
How do I unlock new champions in Wild Rift?
Though you can obviously only play as one hero at any given time, fleshing out your Wild Rift roster can ensure you're always able to pick the right champion for the job. The more you own, the more of the higher Wild Rift tier list champions you'll have to potentially dominate your opponents with. So how do you get more?
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Most new Wild Rift champions can be unlocked by taking part in the event that takes place around their release. When Riven and Irelia were released, you could choose whichever one you wanted. After completing a few specific in-game tasks and challenges, you unlocked them for good.
For any others, you have two options: using Blue Motes earned through gameplay or with Wild Cores gained through microtransactions.
When is the next Wild Rift champion release?
With Patch 5.1, we got the launch of a new champion, Kalista. A new champion is expected on the next patch, but there is no decisive date yet.
That will be the end to our League of Legends: Wild Rift tier list guide. Meta changes, including buffs, nerfs, and new character additions happen now and then. Be sure to check back soon for more updates. If you want to know more character rankings, our Cookie Run: Kingdom tier list and Blue Archive tier list grades the best characters in their respective games.
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