Legends of Runeterra have put out a brand new patch for the online free-to-play digital card game.
Here's what was included in the patch notes for the 0.9.1 update.
0.9.1 Patch Note Highlights
- Animations updated.
- New Minion guardian.
- New Jinx and Garen board.
- Increased animation speed.
- Decreased action lock-out windows.
- Removed effect buffers in order to increase responsiveness.
- Friend challenge WIN XP increased to 200.
- Friend challenge LOSS XP increased to 100.
- XP gains capped at five wins and five losses per day.
- Card counts now represented by “pips”.
- Muting AI opponents will now properly hide their emotes.
- The Rekindler and The Harrowing will no longer revive Champions that only had their unique spell cast.
- Champions will now properly level up if they return from being Detained after their level up condition was met while they were Detained.
- Twin Disciplines now displays correct effect text when selecting Discipline of Fortitude.
You can read the full patch notes right here.
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