Lost Ark Key Swallowed by Mimic - What Does It Do?

A city centre in Lost Ark.

A city centre in Lost Ark.

As you dive into Lost Ark and adventure around Arkasia, you'll acquire a lot of unique, random, and useful items as you fulfil quests and take on enemies. One of these items, that has caused a lot of confusion among players, is the Key Swallowed by Mimic.

As you take on various content in Lost Ark, you'll become accustomed to being rewarded with gear, Harmony Shards, and gold, alongside XP. However, as you grind for mounts, pets, and to beat World Bosses, you'll be in receipt of other items too, some of which serve more purpose than others in this MMO.

The Key Swallowed by Mimic is a peculiar item, but how can you use it? In this guide, we explain where to find and what to do with the Key Swallowed by Mimic in Lost Ark.

Where to Find Key Swallowed by Mimic in Lost Ark

The Key Swallowed by Mimic in Lost Ark is found whenever you reach the Navatia Ruins in Ozhorn Hill. Here, there will be a dozen Mimics for you to defeat, and the Key is dropped as loot. Although, there is a chance that this may not happen for everyone.

What to Do With Key Swallowed by Mimic in Lost Ark

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Key Swallowed by Mimic essentially offers little to no purpose in Lost Ark. There is no quest to follow in regard to it, no secret chest to find and open, and it is not of a high value. So, the Key will sell for a low amount of silver, and sadly, that's it.

It's a shame there isn't a further adventure to go on using this item, but we suppose Arkasia is already offering players a lot as it is.

For more on Lost Ark, check out PvP and how to go about gathering Disorder Crystals, a Powerpass, or a Knowledge Transfer, for something extra to try and pick up. Additionally, don't forget to set an AFK Timer to avoid being logged out of your server prematurely!

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