Marvel Rivals launches later this week, and the reveals just keep on coming. Staying true to the game’s penchant for putting the spotlight over obscure characters, fans just go the official look at Doreen Green, a.k.a. Squirrel Girl.
Though a character like Squirrel Girl was expected to be more on the support side of things, the game has classified her as a Duelist, and she actually packs quite the punch. Not so bad for someone who has the strength of a human-sized squirrel.
Squirrel Girl’s Abilities in Marvel Rivals
Like several superheroes in the Marvel Rivals roster, Squirrel Girl’s abilities are based on her powers in the comics. Besides having the agility of a squirrel, Doreen is also given the power to summon huge armies of squirrels to pit against her enemies—which sounds much more troublesome than it sounds.
Her official description reads:
“Despite being loved and surrounded by her BFFFS (Best Furry Friends Forever), Doreen Green had always questioned the root of her powers. With time, she embraced her Squirrel-like abilities, no matter their origin, and set her heart on becoming the best superhero there is.
“With her mammalian powers and ability to communicate with squirrels, Doreen Green takes down the toughest opponents as the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. With her unrivaled agility, lightning-fast reflexes, and acorn bombs, she’s ready to help her friends with a bucktooth smile on her face!”
Taking a closer look at SG’s abilities, here’s a breakdown of what she can do based on the character reveal (via Marvel Rivals Guides):
Primary Fire – Slingshot – Squirrel Girl launches acorns at her enemy with her slingshot. The interesting thing about her projectiles is that they can also bounce off walls, so SG can navigate her shots around walls and shields.
Secondary Fire – Giant Acorn – Squirrel Girl hurls a giant acorn that holds enemies in their place when they’re hit.
Shift – Giant leap – Using her giant tail somehow, Doreen is able to make a massive leap in the air. This also gives her some ample time to aim at targets that are otherwise blocked by obstructions.
E – Use ability a second time without a cooldown – One of the more unique abilities in Squirrel Girl’s kit. This will allow the player to use an ability—like the giant acorn or the leap—a second time without the cooldown. This one actually forces players to be more strategic as to what would be the most helpful skill to use again during combat.
Ultimate – Squirrel Stampede – Doreen summons a wave of squirrels which will attack any enemy that’s standing in its way. Just like Doreen’s primary fire, this wave actually bounces off walls as well, and should force any enemy to flee the area lest they be caught in a plague of rodents.
Awww Nuts!
With Squirrel Girl's reveal, many players have been comparing the character to Mei from Overwatch. Besides the more chubby aspects of the character’s design, Squirrel Girl can also freeze other people in their tracks when they get caught in her acorn. She also has a cute sidekick in the form of Tippy Toe.
On second thought, maybe Doreen is closer to Junkrat in a sense. Her primary fire bounces off walls; she can trap people in place, and her ultimate can redirect itself to bounce off walls.
It’s not a one-to-one comparison.
Marvel Rivals will launch on Dec. 6 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.
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