Marvel’s Avengers Update 1.21: December 17 Patch Notes

A new hotfix is on its way for Marvel's Avengers.

Keep reading to find out the changes being made.

READ MORE: Marvel's Avengers Isn't Dead Yet, And Is Well Worth A Try

Marvel’s Avengers Patch Notes 1.21

The hotfix went live on December 17th.

Update 1.21 is available to download right now on all available platforms.

The download is 101MB on the PS4.

Thought this varies depending on the platform.

  • Stability improvements.

Known Issues & Workarounds

New Normal Mission

Upon reaching a point where Ms. Marvel must jump across rooftops, the camera glitches out and points upwards.


Please reload checkpoint and refrain from using Ledge Grapple or Grapple Swing until prompted to do so.


A small update but worth noting!

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