Musical Call of Duty Exo Zombies Easter Egg Found (+ Guide)

As with most Call of Duty Zombie Modes that came before it, Advanced Warfare has a music-based hidden Easter Egg... And it has finally been unearthed!

Channelling your inner Daniel Bryan (or Apocalypse Now, if you're so inclined), the super secret song is 'Ride of the Valkyries' by Richard Wagner.

Fortunately, compared to some previous zombie musical Easter Eggs in Call of Duty, this one isn't too tough to master once you know how... so here's how!:

Step #1: Play on 'Outbreak'. So far so easy:

Step #2: Activate/touch the following three items on the map (these can be done in any order).

- The Saw on a stretcher. It's on the top floor, by the Exo Suit room:

- The Wrench in a wall. Chances are you would come across this fairly easily, but it's in the admin section:

- The Bone Saw. On the medical table, next to the Dexter style tied up corpse:

Step #3: Job done! Nothing more to do now except get slaughtering zombies and party like its 1856!

If you would like to see it this very second, then NoahJ456 has you covered with a video tutorial which is available right here:

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