The PewDiePie Challenge is now live!

How's it going bros? The day is here. The PewDiePie Challenge went live at 12pm BST today so get your game face on and get those fingers warmed up! We've heard from a few wannabe challengers that you'd like some more details about how it all works, so we've put together a how-to guide below to get you started.So read on for a step-by-step guide on how you can start challenging friends and foes and climbing to the top of the bro pile!

Make sure you've activated your account on!


The game will be played through Steam so make sure you have Steam downloaded and also have a valid copy of SpeedRunners. Steam is free to download ( and you can pick up a copy of SpeedRunners at a discounted price here.

 Now add your Steam username to your profile on Click here to access your profile, then scroll down to the ‘Link Your Accounts’ section and add your Steam username in the relevant box.


 Now time to enter into the Challenge! Click here to enter the Challenge, then click on the ‘Register Your Squad’ button. If you are new to the site, we have already created a squad for you. PewDiePie is a 1v1 Challenge, but you now have a squad created if you want to add more friends and play in team games like Call of Duty and CS:GO. Registration is live so click on your squad then select yourself. You will need to make yourself Captain by clicking on the little red star. Click ‘Save Squad’.


Now click on ‘Play!’ Here you can view the ‘Available Challenges’ issued by other competitors or you create your own via ‘Create Challenges’ for other players to accept. You can play as many times as you like to progress up the ladder. Make sure you have a quick read of the rules before you begin!

Time to do battle! Once a Challenge has been set up between two people, you need to take their Steam username (which will be displayed on our site) and add them to your friends list on Steam. Check out the tutorial video below for extra help in finding your opponent on Steam.


Remember between

Monday 8th September


Friday 19th September at 5pm BST,

you'll be able to play as many of these 1v1 matches as you can handle on our PewDiePie Challenge ladder, battling your way up the rankings at every step.


Make it into the top 15 and you could be battling it out for a share of £4000 on Sunday 21st September against PewDiePie himself!

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