Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 is here, and while the game's biggest addition of Battle Royale is yet to come, it looks as though there's a more pressing matter for Infinity Ward to attend to.
As noted on the Modern Warfare subreddit, the ability to customise regiments (including the tags that appear above players' heads) has inadvertently allowed the customisation of colours to be implemented to those tags.
That means players can change their titles to a blue hue which can fool enemy players into thinking they're a friendly player.
u/nottatroll pointed out the issue on the subreddit, with the thread entitled GAME BREAKING EXPLOIT: Colored Regiment Tags, and the good news is that Infinity Ward has already responded.
Paul Haile, Production Director at Infinity Ward confirmed that the team is already looking to remove offending Regiment Tags, while a fix is coming to improve the experience going forward. He also suggested players can "feel free to report players with colorised names".
For now, it's best to be safe and just shoot everyone you see, we reckon.
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Modern Warfare