EU Pro League: Week 6 Results and Recap

HyperGames push towards the top.

Week 56's matches for the Advanced Warfare European Pro League took place last night, with all rosters from both the Premiership and Championship division testing their mettle against one another in order to climb ever higher in the leaderboards, inching closer to an invitation to the $100,000 Gfinity Call of Duty Summer Championship. 

Premiership Division

As quickly as Team Infused gained their bronze place back last week, they've lost it again this week. HyperGames have ferociously risen to the challenge they were presented by defeating Gamers2 last night in short order, allowing them to take only a single map home as a consolation prize. This has propelled them right back to where they want to be: the top 3.

The real surprise of this week came in the form of VwS, though. Ever one of the bottom performers in the EU Pro League thus far, they've struggled to make any kind of movement from the 7th position they've long been stuck in. This week, however, they took the French Millenium to task, emerging victorious and propelling the emerging British outfit straight to 5th place, forcing Millenium and Gamers2 further down in the league tables as a direct result.

Vitality Storm and Epsilon eSports are still standing shoulder to shoulder in pole position, with only a single map being the deciding factor in Vitality's small lead. It would be prudent to say that there's little hope in expecting any real change in the gold and silver finishers within the EU Pro League any time soon.

The current Premiership Division standings are available below.

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Scores for each of Week 5's games can be found below.

VwS 4 - 2 Millenium

Epsilon eSports 6 - 0 OverGaming

HyperGames 5 - 1 Gamers2

Vitality Storm 5 - 1 Team Infused

Championship Division

Spirit Gaming have emerged tempered by their last couple of matches, solidifying an enviable positon as the standout leader of the Championship Division as of the past few weeks. IGI eSports and exceL Black are definitely both hot on their tail, though, and the final games within this season will be very intense for the Championship rosters as a result.

The current standings for the entire Championship Division are available below, as well as scores for each of last night's matches.

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Levity Black 1 - 5 UX Gaming

Spirit Gaming 6 - 0 fabE Gaming

IGI eSports 4 - 2 exceL Black

Liquid Gaming 6 - 0 Team Nightmare

The Gfinity European Pro League will resume matches next Wednesday, with Week 6 taking place on July 29th! Expect all the coverage you need on

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